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Björn Schläfli

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Posts posted by Björn Schläfli

  1. more test results:

    - Monterey 12.2, Citrix Workspace App 2107, VDA 2103 -> connection interrupted

    - connection from same endpoint to a test server with vda 2103 and a production one with vda 2112 -> connection interrupted at the same time


    This shows the issue exists with older vda versions also. Workspace App version doesn't matter. The mac device disconects the session not the server.


    another test:
    - connection to vda 2012 on a test server and to production vda 2112 at the same time -> 2112 connection interrupted, 2012 connection persists


    This shows the issue seems to start from vda 2103. But we had vda 2103, 2106, 2109 in production since september 2021 with no issues for our Mac users. It seems to be something related to Mac OS or the cwa in combination with the vda. 

    Strange and hard to find out.

  2. Hi David,

    after 25 minutes my session on mac os Monterey 12.2 has been already interrupted and harder than before. I was typing text in a mail message and in the next moment my hosted desktop was gone and I've had the mac desktop in front of me. rpm warning in event log as well. 

    I'll test rollback Workspace App to 2107, followed up by vda 2106, 2103 to see which component is causing the problem and if it really is the vda to see from which version it starts.

  3. Tested with Monterey 12.1, Workspace App 2201, VDA 2109. Connection interrupted after 1 hour and 8 minutes. 

    rpm warning in event log. event id 10. "Session reliability suspended the connection for user" and "Connection roken unexpectedly for user".

    Yesterday I've tested  with session reliability disabled over 1494 and the connection has been interrupted also. No issue with session reliability. 

    The interrupt happens after 5 minutes, after 50 minutes and after over 1 hour, completely erratic.

    Saw that Apple has released Monterey 12.2. I'll give that a try.

  4. Hello Mike,


    I've had a similar issue with sessions not launching or dis-and reconnect while launching. The reason for this issue have been Logitech webcams connected to the endpoint. Do your endpoints have webcams connected? Try to disconnect and test again.


    The issue could be a change to webcam redirection in vda 2103 which can be set to legacy behavior by reg key


    Name: OfferH264ToApp

    Typ: REG_DWORD

    Wert: 0


    I'm actually testing this key.

  5. In the last weeks some users complained about issues with application launches (seamless). The first application launches properly, maybe a bit slow launching, but with every application started afterwards, the session is disconnected and reconnected and the workspace app disappears in between. 

    We've found out that Logitech webcams connected to the endpoint lead to this problem. Disconnect the webcam and the issue is gone. Furthermore I've found out that this issue starts with vda 2103 and persists with all following versions. With VDA 2012 Logitech webcams are working.

    What's new in Citrix edocs describe a change in webcam redirection.

    "HDX webcam compression no longer requires the VDA to encode, transcode, and decode H.264 video resources. By default, the server streams video directly to the video conferencing applications running in the virtual session."


    Seems that Logitech webcams cannot handle this new feature.


    To disable this feature:


    Name: OfferH264ToApp

    Typ: REG_DWORD

    Wert: 0


    I'll test this regkey and will let you know.


    Our site:

    Virtual Apps 2103

    VDA 2112

    Server 2016


    Anyone else with this issue?

  6. In our case a completey new install of our server image fixed the wfshell.exe crashes and unplug the Logitech webcam fixed the issue with sessions not launching or launching but dis- and reconnect with every app launch.

    The webcam issue starts as soon as VDA 2103 and above is used. I've found some information about changes to webcam redirection in vda 2103.

    "HDX webcam compression no longer requires the VDA to encode, transcode, and decode H.264 video resources. By default, the server streams video directly to the video conferencing applications running in the virtual session."

    I suspect that logitech webcams can't handle this feature.

    • Like 1
  7. The webcam issue starts as soon as VDA 2103 and above is used. I've found some information about changes to webcam redirection in vda 2103.

    "HDX webcam compression no longer requires the VDA to encode, transcode, and decode H.264 video resources. By default, the server streams video directly to the video conferencing applications running in the virtual session."

    I suspect that logitech webcams can't handle this feature.

  8. We have users with disconnects and the number is increasing every day. The problem starts as soon as MacOS Monterey is installed. It works flawlessly over HTML5.

    This is why I compared Mac Workspace App with HTML5 and worked out which features are available with Workspace App only.

    Secure Private Access

    Workspace Browser

    App Personalization Service

    Auto Updates

    Adaptive Transport

    Auto-client Reconnect

    Client Drive Mapping

    HDX Insight with NSAP VC

    Teams & Skype Optimization

    DTLS 1.0 & 1.2

    Smart Access

    App Protection

    Client Hardware Acceleration

    True Multi Monitor

    ADC Full VPN



    SSO Citrix Files

    Client IME Enhancements

    Language Bar

    Key Mapping server-side IME


    The most interesting which could lead to disconnects by my understanding is Adaptive Transport. This feature is disabled in our site since we've tested it a few years ago and had a lot of issues with it. Maybe the Mac CWA tries to connect by udp?

    EDT could be disabled on the client in a terminal with:

    defaults write com.citrix.receiver.nomas HDXOverUDPAllowed -bool NO


    Also Workspace App for Mac 2201 has been released a few days ago and it resolves some issues (mouse cursor disappears, graphic issues...). We'll let our users install this new version and test it again.

    • Like 1
  9. some users reported that they still have issues. Suddenly users are unable to launch a further application. Workspace app launches and disappears. On VDA server wfshell.exe in user's context is not running anymore. Seems to be no crash because there are no events in application logs which I would expect if wfshell.exe crashes. 

    So with VDA 2012 no errors in log but still "crashes" of wfshell.exe.

    I'll maybe rollback to vda version 1906.2, which we used before our update to virtual apps 2103.



  10. Some of our users are unable to start further applications suddenly during the day. Only workaround is to logoff users in Director or Studio. Started after update to Virtual Apps 2103 from 1912. Issue exists with VDA 2012, 2103, 2106, 2109, Workspace App 2105, 2107. It affects around 5 to 7 users per day (of 2300 concurrent users). Different users every day. The error usually no longer occurs for days for affected users.

    No error. You can click on a published application and it does nothing. All already started published apps are able to work with.

    No errors in event logs of Storefront, Delivery Controller, client, VDA server.

    Is there anyone else who has this problem too?


    It affects users in two different sites in different domains.

    VDA OS 2016.


    I'm unable to reproduce this issue so far, thus I didn't open a Citrix case.


  11. Starting with VDA 2012 and up to 2109 starting MS Edge or Google Chrome leads to a lot of application errors in eventlog. Logged for every user who launch the browser and also if the browser is closed after. No issues so far reported by users but the application event log is full of these errors.

    No errors with VDA 1906.2, 1912, 2003, 2006, 2009.

    reinstalled the browsers and VDA with no luck.

    anyone else with these behavior?


    Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: msedge.exe, Version: 95.0.1020.44, Zeitstempel: 0x61827850
    Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: KERNELBASE.dll, Version: 10.0.14393.4350, Zeitstempel: 0x606eafeb
    Ausnahmecode: 0xe06d7363
    Fehleroffset: 0x0000000000034f38
    ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x2a6c
    Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d7ec1d48fe34e7
    Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe
    Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
    Berichtskennung: cb474aa9-0a67-49e2-8c53-55888b88c36a
    Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets: 
    Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist: 


    Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: chrome.exe, Version: 95.0.4638.69, Zeitstempel: 0x6179e9ee
    Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: KERNELBASE.dll, Version: 10.0.14393.4350, Zeitstempel: 0x606eafeb
    Ausnahmecode: 0xe06d7363
    Fehleroffset: 0x0000000000034f38
    ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x243c
    Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d7ec1d49406c2d
    Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
    Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
    Berichtskennung: 49631287-5e93-4e9c-a94d-51a66149daa0
    Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets: 
    Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist: 

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