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Björn Schläfli

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Posts posted by Björn Schläfli

  1. @Christoph: Maybe a user login script with runonce.exe /AlternateShellStartup could help for your seamless connections. This will load the full environment for seamless users (so seamless users get everything they would in a published desktop in their user profile).


    I have the same issue on 2016 with XenApp 7.14.1, UPM 5.7, VDA 7.14.1, but in my environment the issue exists also in published desktop sessions and only as far as VDA is installed. In a clean 2016 server install without Citrix components IE has all standards. After VDA installation IE has only 10 of 15 defaults left.

  2. Finally found the culprit. Something has changed in picadm.sys (system file which controls the client drive mapping) starting with VDA version 7.9. We use legacy client drive mapping (drive letters instead of Standard 2008R2 and above naming scheme) because some applications need a drive letter for the mapped C drive. With legacy Client drive mapping and VDA 7.9 and higher files are getting locked from wfica32.exe sometimes. I have an open case with Citrix and hope they have a solution for VDAs with legacy Client drive mapping.

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  3. Hi,

    since we've updated to XenApp 7.9 (from 7.6) with VDA 7.9 we're facing the following issue. Files on a client mapped drive e.g. local drive C: are locked locally and in the Citrix session. It's not possible to rename or delete the files. Error in session "This file is locked by another program". Error on local client "this file is locked by HDX engine". No issues before with XA 7.6. Same issue with Citrix receiver 4.2 and 4.5.

    Tomorrow I'll test with VDA 7.11 and report again.

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