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James Kindon

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Posts posted by James Kindon

  1. not a lot on a B4ms VM. Burstable VM specs for VDI workloads aren't going to be great in production - they have a baseline spec and you can build credits, but good luck building credits in a shared environment ?


    Lots of factors to consider - workload type, VM spec, OS, disk sizing, optimizations etc - will all impact density, but don't expect a lot with Win10 multi

    • Like 1
  2. On 1/31/2022 at 6:47 PM, Andrew Meneguz1709154345 said:

    And since my Citrix contacts are telling me that Shared Computer Activation is the only supported method that they are aware of, I'd expect very little support from them if I encounter any issues.

    This is likely a grey area so i wouldn't expect many would know the difference yet (you are trailblazing :))


    On 1/31/2022 at 6:47 PM, Andrew Meneguz1709154345 said:

    Does anyone know if group membership of the device persists upon reboot

    Yes, your AD objects populate these groups


    On 1/31/2022 at 6:47 PM, Andrew Meneguz1709154345 said:

    further reading suggests that you can do a targeted rollout of hybrid Azure AD joined devices, so there's potential for me to test this specifically on my new VDA's without exposing my entire org to a hybrid Azure AD

    This is becoming pretty common place now - we do it in most projects, you won't break yourself


    On 1/31/2022 at 6:47 PM, Andrew Meneguz1709154345 said:

    I'm going to look further into this and and if I end up proceeding I'll let you all know what I discover

    Community Power

  3. watching this out of curiosity more than anything


    Device based activation is an "or" to shared computer activation


    SCA was in the user context, and simply (to the best of my knowledge) did two small things  - reduce the lifetime of the activation validity to 3 days (or something similar) and removed the registration from the users "devices" on the user object


    Device based activation takes this away from the user side of things entirely, and the machine itself does the check on itself - so with a technical lens, I cannot see why it wouldn't work as long as you have your hybrid join done right

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  4. Apps aren't tied to a server unless you use tagging, which is a whole looping process to filter through.


    To get your list of servers, you would need to loop through the Delivery Groups that match the app assignments, and then output from there, if you use app groups, its another set of loops and matches


    You can filter your output (and input) by customising the $Application variable (for input), or the $AppList is just an output array, so you can filter that also once created


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