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James Kindon

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Posts posted by James Kindon

  1. There are a few considerations you need to be looking at here, not just the number of VM's and file share capacity, but also around the number of file handles for example that an Azure File Share can handle (particularly with FSLogix), you will blow that limit before you blow the capacity 


    At this scale, you would are going to need to manage groups and placement of users, profile locations, desktop assignments etc

  2. Disable auto-update of controllers through Citrix policy and specify your controllers via a GPP (listoOfDDCs) https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-virtual-apps-desktops/manage-deployment/vda-registration.html#registry-based


    Also keep in mind that the savedlistofddcs.xml file can be a bit painful as well, in some migration projects I have had to set a startup script with a gpupdate and a Desktop Service restart to get passed registration challenges

  3. There are a few " It depends" items here, regardless, here are some common guidelines

    • Do not replicate or restore Cloud Connectors. They should be built and managed separately in an appropriate resource location
    • For StoreFront and other associated components, you can replicate them via ASR etc as long as you consider the restore order and process
    • NetScaler in Azure you may want to think about standby appliances - I am not sure you can ASR a NetScaler (never tried)
    • For MCS workloads, (non-persistent) you can deploy new machines based on the existing snapshot, or a replica of the snapshot (depending on region/DR logic
    • For Profiles, this will change depending on what your technology of choice is for Storage (Azure Files, Windows File Servers, Azure NetApp Files etc)
    • You will want to align Active Directory and policies accordingly 

    You will ultimately need to architect around your Azure strategy, are you looking at multi-region redundancy, zone redundancy, etc. Quite a few factors at play here


  4. 15 hours ago, Ken Zygmunt said:

    James you absolute genius!!!!


    I'd previously done everything except make the change on the VDA for BrokerAgent.exe.config


    Changing the AllowNtlm to true, restarting the Citrix Desktop Service, and the VDI appears as registered in the Delivery Controllers.




    Ken Z


    Kudos to Nick for posting it, I would have forgotten ?

  5. Citrix doesn't use standard azure "images" for MCS deployments. It uses either:

    • An Azure Snapshot
    • An Azure Managed Disk (which it snapshots anyway)
    • An azure VHD stored in a storage account (though this is old and going away)
    • An image stored in a compute gallery (SIG) but this can't be a generalized image (can't have been sysprep'd)

    I typically suggest customers:

    • Build their image as per usual standards, manual or automated
    • Seal that image with BIS-F ready for provisioning. Shut it down
    • Take a snapshot of the OS disk in Azure
    • Create or Update a catalog based on that snapshot
    • Choose your poison as far as Ephemeral Disks/SIG integration goes etc 
    • Choose a machine profile (This is a VM spec) or an ARM template spec that matches what you want each VM to look like
    • Away you go

    There are some advanced considerations/options if you are doing multi-region deployments with complexity, but that should get you going

  6. Is your aim to be throwing away the profile at the end of the session? So not roaming it at all (you mention not using CPM)?


    If so, VMware optimizer has an awesome feature where it not only optimizes the OS, but also syncs the current profile to the default - so you can set things up how you want and then sync them over to the default for all new sessions


    This can help keep initial profile build times down substantially. 

    • Like 1
  7. If you are asking if you can 

    1. Authenticate with Domain\User1, Domain\User2, Domain\User3 at either StoreFront or ADC and then
    2. Login to Windows as Domain\GenericUser

    Then no, you can't do that, that is a security hole that Citrix has never allowed (you will fail with a "not the brokered user") by design.

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  8. Hello Hello ?


    This, I have not seen happen on FAS before, it is however something that happens on StoreFront if you use the password reset setting. Citrix have some references to the issue

    But it happening on FAS is a new one - have not seen this occur in other environments


  9. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using local profiles if you don't have a need for roaming them - just think about backing up critical data (if there is any) - but outside of that, users will love you for it experience wise....no point adding in complexity when it's not needed.


    You might want to look at the ServerVDI switches on your ServerOS if there is only going to be 1:1 relationships.

  10. Honestly, that far back, I would just create a new site with new everything, and then migrate configuration across, and cutover users -> There are so many factors in play with upgrades this far back, new -> Migrate is going to be smoother and allow you to de-risk everything

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