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James Kindon

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Posts posted by James Kindon

  1. $Tags = Import-Csv -Path c:\temp\Tags.csv
    $Domain = "DOMAIN" #NETBIOS
    $Machines = @("VDA1","VDA2")
    Add-PSSnapin -Name Citrix*
    foreach ($Tag in $Tags) {
        New-BrokerTag $Tag.Name -Verbose
        foreach ($Machine in $Machines) {
            $MachineUID = (Get-Brokermachine -MachineName "$Domain\$Machine").Uid
            Add-BrokerTag -Name $Tag.Name -Machine $MachineUID -Verbose


    CSV Import file like this




    add error handling as required

  2. If you have chosen dedicated persistent VDI then they are on their own - MCS does nothing with them post deployment, you need ConfigMgr or PDQ deploy etc to manage them


    if you need single image management and dedicated/captured user changes, then maybe user personalization layers will help (no it is not App Layering, I wouldn't do that to anyone)


  3. I think you likely need to get some consulting assistance here, there are a lot of moving parts to your questions and likely some more discovery needed


    A few notes

    - You do not need Azure AD and you do not need dedicated Azure Subs. You only need Azure AD if you are going to leverage SAML Auth and if you do that you will need FAS servers to provide SSO. You can consume existing Azure Subs

    - You can consume normal AD

    - You deploy Cloud connectors in each resource location that you host resources for users (Azure and VMWare etc)

    - You cannot use a connector appliance, Cloud Connectors for CVAD are windows based


    Architected properly, you can likely ditch those VPN's and go through the Citrix Gateway Service. I have done multiple projects similar to yours where everything has been centralised and access is through Citrix only, it works well


  4. I have often have a store for FAS that the ADC will utilise, and a store for normal auth that thin clients or internal users might use


    One thing to watch for, is that if you enable FAS on an external Store, and then try to launch apps from an internal store, the internal store must be enabled for FAS also else you will fail to auth

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