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Jeff Riechers

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Posts posted by Jeff Riechers

  1. So I have a special nfactor setup in my lab built with my terraform that provides a dropdown list of authentication methods for LDAP, Azure SAML, Google, Okta, etc. I was testing out setting up FAS and updated my netscaler to the latest 14.1 build when out of nowhere the nfactor dies after selecting your policy. So I rolled back to my snapshot beforehand, re-applied the same terraform code, and it is still broken. I created a manual nfactor flow with my schemas and policies and they also don't work. I am trying to get details on where the failure is taking place, but I can't find anything in the logs, or in the web code that gives me any direction. I have included a copy of the scrubbed config if that helps.

  2. Thinking about it, you might be able to just do it via nfactor.  Setup your initial landing page with a drop down where they select which customer they are a part of.  Then the next step in the nfactor would send users to their appropriate location.  And you can do session policies based on the nfactor choice to send them to the proper storefront store. (If you are doing dedicated stores for each customer)


    I did a design similar to this in my terraform template to create an Authentication drop down for my lab so I can do LDAP, SAML, Okta, etc from my single IP.  It was based on the domain drop down in nfactor.  I included the nfactor Authentication Dropdown.xml you can look at for designing your own dropdown.





  3. So ran into this at a customer that we have been upgrading since 13.0. They are now up to the latest 14.1 firmware for all the new features it has. When going to the application dashboard we only see a select few applications that they have permissions too. It says like 1 of 4 applications, or 8 of 31. If you drill down you can see they have all the necessary permissions to them. But just can't get them on that heat map dashboard. Is there some setting we are missing? Or is this due to us upgrading from older firmware? I can get some scrubbed screenshots if it helps.

  4. I ran into an issue with a customer that was upgrading their 13.1 NetScalers from 49.15 to 50.23. When they did the upgrade any GSLB service that was created as ANY with a public port of 0 were deleted from the configuration. And attempting to recreate the service threw this error. ERROR: Integer value below minimum [publicPort, 1] Most of their GSLB services are tied to a single port, only the VIPs with TCP Any had the public port set to 0. Is this something new in the firmware, or possibly something that was incremented in the new release.

  5. Is windows firewall only allowed to accept connections from certain IP addresses?  You might have to add the new DDC ip to it.


    Also check the SQL database itself.  If there is a particular account that has DBO on it, login to the new DDC as that account when adding the new controller.  That account will add the new Machine Account for the new DDC to the database with the necessary permissions.

  6. This is normal.  Items aren't loaded into the faster cache until they are launched the first time.  You can use the Director Desktop Probe to schedule autologins and launches of particular applications to get them pre-loaded into memory before users start their day.

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  7. Are you applying any custom configuration for AppX packages?  What about any type of layout modification.xml for the start menu for new profiles.


    Check the Microsoft/Windows/Apps and Appx logs under Application and Services Logs for error messages.  


    Also check the WEM and UPM logs for your session to see if there are any errors customizing the start menu, or resetting any AppX packages.

  8. Did you download the script from github and execute it from that directory in powershell?  Powershell is very particular about execution locations, and the .\ preceding the command.


    I have also had this happen with VMWare in the past, and have had to test connection to the hypervisor, and then restart the DDC services to get them to come back.  Did the account used to connect to XenServer change recently?

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