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Jeff Riechers

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Posts posted by Jeff Riechers

  1. What did you set for Ram size for MCS caching?  Also how large is the writecache drive for the machines?  If they are BSOD can you check to see if that writecache drive is getting filled?  I have recommended that all MCS machines be setup with a writecache drive that is 100% the size of the c:\ to prevent this from happening.

  2. I just upgraded a client from the 14.1 build 12 version to the latest build 21 to get the WAF and Security scans.  After we did that their pre-authentication scans are failing for every user.  We updated the latest EPA files and it still looks like the EPA.exe file gets damaged during the download as the EXE is not executable after download.  Anyone else seen this?  I would like to avoid going nfactor, because that is a different PITA when I only have remote access to the client via Teams.

  3. Do you have any tab sleeping setup via GPO?  I have seen sleeping tabs crash with the Ah Snap.

    Unfortunately 1GB of Ram for tabs is pretty common if the tab is running a bunch of processing javascript.

  4. If you choose the Ram cache to be larger than the VMs available ram you are going to have huge paging problems.  You don't set any settings for how much disk cache you will use, so your writecache drive should be the size of your provisioned C:\ drive, and thin provisioned only.  There is no need for thick provisioning of the storage, you don't get any performance benefit.

    If your VM has 12GB of ram, I would only set the Ram cache to 1GB.  To do 10GB of cache you will need 48GB of ram or more on the VM.  I did create a little script that allows you to query the VM to see exactly how much RAM cache you are using versus how much disk cache.



  5. The SDX SVM is a similar build to the ADM.  They don't use an ns.conf like the NetScaler VPX/MPX uses.  You can backup the SVM as part of the backup engine, and then take a look at the code, but there isn't a single file to handle the environment.

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  6. Are the users connecting to the Storefront directly, and then having Optimal Gateway Routing have them going to Gateways?  Or does the workspace App talk directly to the gateway and never see the storefront url.

    I have seen this if the Storefront URL is the same as the Gateway URL.  So what I do to mitigate it is set the Storefront URL to a different address, and set the beacons to be non-accessible so that it will never try and connect to the storefront bypassing the gateway.  Now Workspace will still cache some information, so if the Storefronts are not replicated together the IDs in the cached published resources won't match to the new storefront, so it will require either a refresh, or a full reset.

  7. Don't touch those.  Studio handles the naming and placement of those and everything is programmed to them. It will remove older files as part of it's own cleanup.  Those old items are for rollback if needed.

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  8. What are you looking to forward?  An IIS site?  An apache web server?

    If it is a single URL you create an SSL Load balancer with an IP and a certificate bound to it, and a service pointing to your backend server.

    If it is multiple URLS, you create an SSL Content Swith with an IP and certificate bound to it. They you create policies that will look at the hostname hitting the IP and send it to appropriate load balancer with the backend service.

    Don't just start with the name of the tech. Give us a run-down on what you are trying to do, and we can help design something for you.

  9. Does the client NEED to connect directly to backend via IP?  Because this will change the URL and Hostname so that the client connects directly.

    Instead you would setup a non-addressable LB and have the content switch keep the HOSTNAME, but just change the URL portion after the hostname.  Then it would drop that to the LB that then goes to the backend server on how it is defined in the LB service.

  10. I would do it as a published app.  Users only have access to published app.  They click that app and select the app they want and duration.  This is logged and if they refresh storefront  they see the new app.  At time limit you have a process remove users from group.   I am in the process of designing something like this myself.

  11. On 4/19/2024 at 5:21 PM, Michael Foster said:

    In this case it is SentinelOne.

    I'm sorry.  S1 can be a bit of a headache in Citrix environments.  You need to ensure all the necessary Citrix exclusions are in place to keep the overhead from S1 from impacting your sessions.

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