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Jeff Riechers

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Posts posted by Jeff Riechers

  1. Yes, if the machines are non-persistent just make a new catalog, swing that into your delivery group.  Then put the old machines in maintenance mode and once they are drained, remove the machines from the delivery group, shut them down, and then delete the machine catalog.  

    I just did this yesterday for a customer that had moved machines to new storage and then could no longer update to newer images.

    If you are using PVS then you can use the Citrix Virtual Desktop creation tool on the farm.  

  2. Platform layers are primarily for different hardware/hypervisors.  There are only certain items in the Platform layer, but if you are deploying everything to the same hypervisor just create a single platform layer and use that for all your building.

    Do you have any software that requires going into the platform layer?  

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