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James Kindon

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Posts posted by James Kindon

  1. Hrmmm nice work- that article has this one nested which explains a few bits (hadn’t see this before) https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX270373/public-cloud-support-with-current-releases-and-long-term-service-releases


    I wonder if the support person was hung up on 1912 LTSR which we had to guide customers towards when cloud hosting was removed from CR releases - they took it out in cvad 2009 or 2006 I can’t recall which one 


    That aws article needs to be updated, I’ll ping it over and see if it can be fixed up. 

    nobody is a nobody, thanks for sharing the above 

  2. No worries Warren, you are welcome. As a note also on the above, depending on your CVAD version, it’s likely that the broker will physically reject the registration of a VDA with or without power management, Citrix got pretty gangster with the lockdown on public cloud workloads 


    Kind of thin on the ground over here with Citrix reps these days, if you need a hand getting in touch with the right folks, DM me and I’ll try and help 



  3. Hi Warren,


    my understanding is that hybrid rights are now replaced with universal, though not being involved in licence sales I may be off the mark 


    good write up here on what the new state of play is https://www.citrix.com/blogs/2023/03/02/introducing-citrix-universal-licensing/


    pretty much if your licencing doesn’t have either hybrid rights or isn’t of universal sku, you won’t be able to have a hosting connection into a public cloud provider of any type 


    hope this helps a little 



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  4. 1) You don't have an issue that needs resolving, you are asking for the bare fundamentals on the product which you can easily find details on at: https://docs.citrix.com/. I clearly stated the technical answer to your question above.


    2) I did not tell you to go to support, that is rubbish. I mentioned that your environment sounds very small, and you will likely struggle to even get the Citrix technology set, and as such you would need to go through a CSP. That is not "go to support". That is "can you even get the technology?". 


    3) Like everyone else here, I am a volunteer lending knowledge and experience where it helps. Responses like yours get you absolutely nowhere with anyone giving up their time in an attempt to assist.

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  5. The 2 versions logic was more a rule of thumb to the best of my knowledge 


    You should avoid upgrading the agent and prefer a remove and fresh install in my experience 


    If you need to upgrade, and can’t yet do the agents, I’d be making sure that your cache sync is healthy and not throwing warnings on the endpoints. If it is, then you may need to delete it on machine startup and get a new one. It’s the schema changes on the broker side which can cause challenges with the current endpoint -  most of the time you’ll be fine 

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