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Robert Madrian

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Posts posted by Robert Madrian

  1. Found it here:



    We had the same problem with Windows 10 1903 and with Windows 10 1909.

    After hours or maybe even days/weeks, findally today we solved this issue (for us)!!

    Following this article: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX107825

    we disabled Citrix hooking in to msra.exe

    Our OS is Windows 10 64-bit, so we added just this regkey (as REG_SZ):





  2. On 1/8/2020 at 1:56 PM, Thorsten Basevi said:


    We had the same problem with Windows 10 1903 and with Windows 10 1909.

    After hours or maybe even days/weeks, findally today we solved this issue (for us)!!

    Following this article: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX107825

    we disabled Citrix hooking in to msra.exe

    Our OS is Windows 10 64-bit, so we added just this regkey (as REG_SZ):





    Thanks for sharing this - we had the same problem and after hours of searching we found you post...

  3. Hello,


    we have prepared our new Master W10 1909 1912 LTSR CU1 with FSLogix for Profile Management and it works great except the fact that it is not possible to mirror another screen from that image from Director  (some peaple use this master with Citrix Director to give support)
    if the user press "Mirror" then the Invite.msrcincident file is downloaded and if the user opens it nothing happens (only mouse flickering) - a second press to "Mirror" results in a message on the other screen "someone offers you remote assistance..."
    this worked without problems on our old Master Win 10 1803 7.15 LTSR


    any ideas?


    I have used winrm quickconfig to config WinRM on the master...



  4. Hi Ian,


    we are in the process to migrate our profiles from UPM to FSLogix - we use the Script from David Ott (with some changes) to migrate our UPM Profiles to FSLogix and this works great. Until now all test's are looking good - the Logon is faster and we use a redirections.xml to exclude some folders from Profil to hold it small...
    also we use AppMasking to hide some programs from Startmenu (Microsoft Store) and this also works great...

    the reason for the migration to FSLogix was that it looks much easier to config and it seems to be very stable...


    look also to https://james-rankin.com/articles/quickpost-citrix-upm-profile-containers-feature/


    we use W10 1909, Xendesktop 1912LTSR CU1 with WEM on PVS 1912 CU1...




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  5. Yes, !CTX_OSNAME! is in the path \\fileserver\Profile$\#SAMAccountName#\!CTX_OSNAME!!CTX_PROFILEVER!


    if I disable Profile Containers it seemst to work but not all settings like the Start menu tiles are migrated - Profile Containers are true it seems that nothing

    is migrated...


    now we have switched to FSLogix and the script from David Ott https://tech.xenit.se/convert-citrix-upm-to-fslogix-profile-containers and it works great - have a copy

    of the 1803 Profile under a new FSLogix path and for the first few tests FSLogix works great...



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