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Konstantina Chremmou

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Everything posted by Konstantina Chremmou

  1. By the way, for questions on the XenServer PoSh module, this forum is better https://community.citrix.com/forums/forum/1118-xenserver-sdk/
  2. The command works using the -Name too, as long as the variable is passed in correctly: PS> $vmName="myVM" PS> get-xenvm -name $vmName | select HVM_boot_params HVM_boot_params --------------- {[order, cd], [firmware, uefi]} PS> $HVMBootParams = @{ "firmware" = "bios";"order" = "n"} PS> set-xenvm -name $vmName -HVMBootParams $HVMBootParams PS> get-xenvm -name $vmName | select HVM_boot_params HVM_boot_params --------------- {[order, n], [firmware, bios]}
  3. You're passing in the SR uuid to parameter -SR, however this needs a reference. You can obtain it as follows: get-xenSR -uuid xxx | ConvertTo-XenRef
  4. The command looks correct, but the syntax does not look PS compliant. The hash table should be declared as follows: $HVMBootParams = @{ "firmware" = "uefi";"order" = "n"} i.e. with semicolon separating the pairs and no commas within the keys. Also, use $VMNAME for the name variable.
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