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Marcel Zunnebeld1709163163

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About Marcel Zunnebeld1709163163

  • Birthday June 29

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  1. Hi Danilo, I have adjusted the script but it does not work yet. This is now the script: #Variables $hostName = "xenserver host name" $Username = "admin_account" $Password = "admin_password" $vmPrefix = "VDIPRD" $storageRepoName = "Local storage" $diskSize = 10GB # 10 GB disk $diskLabel = "Persistent-disk" # Import XenServer module and connect Import-Module XenServerPSModule Try { $Session = Connect-XenServer -Url https://$hostName -UserName $username -Password $password -NoWarnCertificates -SetDefaultSession } Catch [XenAPI.Failure] { [string]$PoolMaster = $_.Exception.ErrorDescription[1] Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$($Pools.$Pool) is slave, Master was identified as $PoolMaster, trying to connect" $Pools.Pool = $PoolMaster $Session = Connect-XenServer -url "https://$PoolMaster" -UserName $username -Password $password -NoWarnCertificates -SetDefaultSession } # Search for XenServer host with specified name $xenHost = Get-XenHost | Where-Object { $_.name_label -eq $hostName } | Select-Object uuid, name_label # Show saved Host UUID and name $xenHost if ($host -eq $null) { Write-Output "XenServer host not found." return } # Get all VM's on speciefied host that starts with the VMPrefix $vms = Get-XenVM | Where-Object { $_.is_a_template -eq $False -and $_.is_a_snapshot -eq $False -and $_.name_label -like "$vmPrefix*" } | Select-Object uuid, name_label # Show saved VM UUIDs and Names $vms # We use the -Name switch to fetch the SR using the value of its name_label field. This also works for other `Get-Xen...` calls! # We then fetch its opaque_ref, which is what's needed by the New-XenVDI call further down $storageRepository = Get-XenSR -Name $diskLabel | Select-Object opaque_ref, uuid, name_label if ($null -eq $storageRepository) { Write-Output "Storage repository not found." return } # Show saved SR reference, UUID, and Name $storageRepository foreach ($vm in $vms) { # Create a new virtual disk (VDI) $vdi = New-XenVDI -NameLabel $DiskLabel -VirtualSize $diskSize -SR $storageRepository.opaque_ref -ReadOnly $false if ($vdi -eq $null) { throw "Failed to create VDI for VM: $($vm.name_label)" } # Create a virtual disk drive (VBD) connecting the VDI to the VM $vbd = New-XenVBD -VM $vm.uuid -VDI $vdi.uuid -Device 2 -Bootable $false -Mode RW -Type Disk if ($vbd -ne $null) { Write-Output "Added a 2GB disk to VM: $($vm.name_label) on repository: $storageRepoName" } else { Write-Output "Failed to attach VDI to VM: $($vm.name_label)" } } catch { Write-Output "Error occurred while processing VM $($vm.name_label): $($_.Exception.Message)" } # Close XenServer Connection Disconnect-XenServer Could it be that in line 46, instead of $diskLabel, there should be $storageRepoName? (this is a variable at the beginning of the script). It should retrieve the 'Local Storage' repository opaque_ref, right? If I make it $StorageRepoName I get an error: Failed to create VDI for VM: VDIPRD2005 At D:\Temp\ADD disk to XenServer VMs on XenServer host.ps1:61 char:13 + throw "Failed to create VDI for VM: $($vm.name_label)" + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Failed to create VDI for VM: VDIPRD2005:String) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Failed to create VDI for VM: VDIPRD2005 Do you have any suggestions? Thank you in advance!
  2. Hi Danilo, thanks for your additions/comments!! 'll test it on Monday. I'll let you know what the result is ;-)
  3. Hello, Is it possible to get the Client IP address and/or hostname from a VDA session without installing additional Powershell SDKs or something like that on the VDA? I want to be able to start a certain application within the VDA only if the client connects from an internal network. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi Konstantina, thank you for your response. Do you mean that I have to adjust the script block under this "# Get the storage repository by name"? # Get the storage repository by name $storageRepoUUID = Get-XenSR | Where-Object { $_.name_label -like "$storageRepoName" } | Select-Object uuid, name_label -First 1 if ($storageRepoUUID -eq $null) { Write-Output "Storage repository not found." return } What will be the correct syntax if I don't want to enter the UUID but want to get it from the $storageRepoName variable? Thanx in advance! Also thanks for pointing to the right forum, I'll put it there next time ;-)
  5. Hello, I want to use a PowerShell script, to each VM whose name starts with W10PRD, to add a 10 Gb disk that will be used as a persistent disk in an MCS scenario and expand the RAM to 16 Gb and the vCPU to 4. I created the script below for this purpose. This script works fine until creating the disks. So things start to go wrong from line 76 onwards. I then get this error: Error occurred while processing VM W10PRD1003: Cannot bind parameter 'SR'. Cannot convert the "@{uuid=<UUID of Local Storage SR>; name_label=Local storage}" value of type "Selected.XenAPI.SR" to type "XenAPI.XenRef`1[XenAPI.SR]". # Variables $hostName = "xenserver host name" $Username = "admin_account" $Password = "admin_password" $vmPrefix = "W10PRD" $storageRepoName = "Local storage" $diskSize = 10GB # 10 GB disk $diskLabel = "Persistent-disk" $RAMinGB = 16 $RAMinBytes = $RAMinGB*1073741824 $vCPU = 4 $vCPUatStartup = 4 $vCPUMax = 4 # Import XenServer module and connect Import-Module XenServerPSModule Try { $Session = Connect-XenServer -Url https://$hostName -UserName $username -Password $password -NoWarnCertificates -SetDefaultSession } Catch [XenAPI.Failure] { [string]$PoolMaster = $_.Exception.ErrorDescription[1] Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$($Pools.$Pool) is slave, Master was identified as $PoolMaster, trying to connect" $Pools.Pool = $PoolMaster $Session = Connect-XenServer -url "https://$PoolMaster" -UserName $username -Password $password -NoWarnCertificates -SetDefaultSession } # Search for XenServer host with specified name $xenHost = Get-XenHost | Where-Object { $_.name_label -eq $hostName } | Select-Object uuid, name_label # Show saved Host UUID and name $xenHost if ($host -eq $null) { Write-Output "XenServer host not found." return } # Get all VM's on speciefied host that starts with the VMPrefix $vms = Get-XenVM | Where-Object { $_.is_a_template -eq $False -and $_.is_a_snapshot -eq $False -and $_.name_label -like "$vmPrefix*" } | Select-Object uuid, name_label # Show saved VM UUIDs and Names $vms # Get the storage repository by name $storageRepoUUID = Get-XenSR | Where-Object { $_.name_label -like "$storageRepoName" } | Select-Object uuid, name_label -First 1 if ($storageRepoUUID -eq $null) { Write-Output "Storage repository not found." return } # Show saved SR UUID and Name $storageRepoUUID foreach ($vm in $vms) { $dynamicMin = $RAMinBytes $dynamicMax = $RAMinBytes $staticMin = $RAMinBytes $staticMax = $RAMinBytes Set-XenVM -Name $vm.name_label -Memory $RAMinBytes } foreach ($vm in $vms) { Set-XenVM -Name $vm.name_label -VCPUsAtStartup $vCPUatStartup -VCPUsMax $vCPUMax } foreach ($vm in $vms) { # Create a new virtual disk (VDI) try { $vdi = New-XenVDI -NameLabel $diskLabel -VirtualSize $diskSize -SR $storageRepoUUID -ReadOnly $false if ($vdi -eq $null) { throw "Failed to create VDI for VM: $($vm.name_label)" } # Create a virtual disk drive (VBD) connecting the VDI to the VM $vbd = New-XenVBD -VM $vm.uuid -VDI $vdi.uuid -Device 2 -Bootable $false -Mode RW -Type Disk if ($vbd -ne $null) { Write-Output "Added a 2GB disk to VM: $($vm.name_label) on repository: $storageRepoName" } else { Write-Output "Failed to attach VDI to VM: $($vm.name_label)" } } catch { Write-Output "Error occurred while processing VM $($vm.name_label): $($_.Exception.Message)" } } # Close XenServer Connection Disconnect-XenServer Who knows what is wrong with this script, or knows a better option for creating 400 disks on 400 VMs?
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