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Dennis Parker

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Posts posted by Dennis Parker

  1. Worked this out last week myself.

    Need to make sure the TeamsMeetingAddin folder roams with the user profile (assuming using roaming).


    There is also TeamsPresenceAddin folder for the same thing.

    If you don't want to figure out the proper addin folder to create, you can also delete the Teams install for the user while they are logged out and have it recreate. 


    This Powershell script (modified for your environment, of course) worked to get Teams to reinstall and have the addin working. (Run with user logged out.)

    foreach($PathToRemove in $PathsToRemove)
        Remove-Item -Path $FinalPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Inquire 


  2. 1 hour ago, Teo Hays said:
    • 12.1 55 has an issue with LDAP so I had to ask a few customers to downgrade to 54 instead to make it work.

    Can you expand on the LDAP issue you mention here, please? Was thinking about testing, but if there is an issue that will affect me I would rather know ahead of time.


    Thanks much!

  3. I have 3 monitors and when I attempt to use BCR with Chrome (first time testing) on a 1912 LTSR VDA, the redirection part is working, but the display is spread across all 3 monitors. If I have the browser maximized, I see only a white screen, but if I stretch it across all 3 monitors, I get a white screen on one monitor, a partial YouTube window on the middle, and the actual video on the third monitor. 


    I have tried setting  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\HdxMediastream\GPU - DWORD 0    with no effect as this doesn't seem to be a DPI Scaling issue.


    Any ideas? IE does not have this same behavior.  

    Chrome version 79.0.3945.88

  4. I did not open a ticket with Citrix support, but I got it working.


    Following the information in the link provided, I started removing entries from the CitrixFiles.exe.config file until it seemed to be working. Then I got kind of lucky and restored back to the original and removed the last entry I had removed and it still seems to be working.


    The lines that I removed:


        <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
            <assemblyIdentity name="System.ValueTuple" publicKeyToken="cc7b13ffcd2ddd51" culture="neutral" />
            <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />


  5. Title basically says it all....I get an error with a link to

    https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet/blob/master/releases/net471/KnownIssues/510901-BCL Apps targeting .NET-4.6.1 that use .NET Standard libraries might be broken when running on .NET 4.7.1.md


    Couldn't download Citrix files for Windows 1912 due to Citrix web site issues tonight, but anybody else seen this and does the new version work?


    Edit: It was late and I was tired...

    The VDA is on Windows Server 2016. 

    I checked registry keys and it says .NET 4.7.1 is installed.

    I installed latest patches for everything I could find after posting this and still have the issue.

    I was able to download Citrix Files 1912 from Citrix website and installed on the servers and still have the issue. 

    Going to be opening a ticket with Citrix here soon. If I come up with anything, I will post in the comments.

  6. Based on this blog post from Citrix:  https://www.citrix.com/blogs/2019/10/28/ltsr-1912-preparing-for-the-next-long-term-service-release/

    I would say yes.  Granted, it's for 1912 LTSR, but that's the plan for 2008R2 with 1912.

    "Current 7.15 LTSR administrators may notice that Windows 7 and Server 2008R2 are no longer supported operating systems for the 1912 LTSR Virtual Delivery Agent. Don’t be alarmed. If you’re running these older operating systems, they are still compatible with the 1912 LTSR release. Simply deploy them using the existing 7.15 LTSR VDA Agent."

  7. Sorry if I wasn't clear. It's an Active Directory Group Membership Deny rule. If I use a group with direct members, it works as expected. If I use a group with nested groups (to get the same user accounts, but also additional user accounts from another group, it doesn't find any users. Something like this:

    Group A = User1, User2

    Group B = User3, User4 

    Group C = Group A, Group B


    Deny rule -> Group A -> User1 and User2 are applied.

    Deny rule -> Group B -> User3 and User4 are applied.

    Deny rule -> Group C (without rules for Group A and Group B) -> No users found



  8. Attempting to setup and use Endpoint Management Connector for Exchange ActiveSync (version for the first time and everything seems to be going well except for the local rules and using recursive lookups (nested groups). When clicking Analyze button it says it will do a recursive lookup, but it doesn't find any user accounts from nested groups (Active Directory). 

    I have a ticket opened with Citrix, but it is pretty fresh as I opened it this morning, so just asking here as well.


    Has this worked in previous versions and is broken now or am I misunderstanding what "recursive" means to Citrix? 

  9. Glad you fixed it. Based on the description and fix, the user probably had an change in AD that wasn't updated in the Delivery Controller cache. You can force the cache update from PowerShell:  Update-BrokerNameCache -Users -AdminAddress <delivery controller address>   (can also use -Machines in place of -Users (or use both)) 

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  10. I don't know how to fix it, but I know that I have had issues when skipping versions (and others haven't) during upgrades. If you can roll back and upgrade the Infrastructure server to each release and do a DB upgrade at each step, you will probably be able to get upgraded.  (Of course, I could be way off base here too.)

    Then after writing all of the above, I read your error message too, and possibly you could edit the upgrade script and remove the line that attempts to add that object to the DB since it appears to already exist? But I can't find that in any scripts in the version I have...


    I see that in my Database as a Stored Procedure, so (assuming you have a good backup) you could potentially try to remove that SP from the DB and try the upgrade again, since it appears to be trying to recreate it. 

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  11. I'm not a XenMobile guru...but here's my thoughts:


    I would expect you could create a second LDAP configuration that is configured with UPN and the system would use both so your users could use SAN or UPN. 


    If that doesn't work, then I don't know how you would configure it for just a single user for UPN, I don't see anything like that either. 

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