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Dennis Parker

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Posts posted by Dennis Parker

  1. Heard more from Microsoft finally and the provided a switch:  --force-oneauth


    This got me to the same place as using compatibility mode. My @live.com account will sync, but I can't get my O365 account to work properly. I can't find a policy screen similar to the screen shot, but I also do restrict to OrgID only in GPO, which means I probably "shouldn't" be able to use my personal account either. Making some progress. 

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  2. I have seen this before, but not just showing up "randomly" and clearing up. In my case, it was always and restarts didn't fix anything. For 2019 servers, I had forgotten to include our SeamlessFlags setting 0x104  and DisableLogonUISuppression 0x0.   This was in testing before we went live, so no user impact there.

    For 2016 we had an issue with the VDACleanUp utility not fully completing the removal and the an install didn't upgrade all components properly. A complete VDACleanUp with the latest release and reinstall cleared them up. 

    I know not much help, but maybe can give you something to look at, hopefully. 

  3. I am in the process of replacing delivery controllers now too. My thought was that I would add the new ones along side the existing for a week or so and then remove the retiring ones. I don't know the answer to your questions either, but I will be keeping a close eye on things as I go through it. 


    I'm kind of wondering if it may not have something to do with the Secure Tickets (STA). Maybe I'll remove my servers more slowly than planned, now that I think about it with this in mind. If the client gets 2 tickets, and both of those STAs are removed, could it possibly generate this issue?

  4. Off the top of my head, I see you assign computer policies to a user group. 


    You can put Computers into the group, but they won't see the setting right away and I assume you would want it to only apply to a test computer.


    You can either restart the server to get the group membership or use the klist -li 0x3e7 purge   command to refresh computer groups.

  5. I know this sounds more like a WEM issue, but I'm going to throw this out just in case too. We had a custom app that reads a set of license files on launch. We have UPM with profile streaming and the files weren't copied over in time by UPM for the app to read them. I came up with a silly solution to "type" all of the files in the folder during logon so UPM would bring them over quicker. 

    As for launching an app with a batch file with a pause, you might just be able to use TIMEOUT   or in PowerShell: Start-Sleep. Then launch your application.



  6. Our configuration is different for multiple sites due to issues like this, and being designed before LHC. We have a complete Citrix Site in each Data Center, with its own DB. This may be overkill for your environment. That being said, I have only had LHC kick in one time successfully (a couple other times, it should have, it just didn't work at all, but those were the very early days of LHC). In that one instance, the DB went down unexpectedly and users couldn't log in for about 10 minutes until LHC took over. Since it wasn't planned, I spent all of my time working on getting the DB back online and not monitoring user connections, but once the VDAs checked in and things were working, I didn't hear of any real issues with connections. 

    I am interested in hearing others experiences, and gets me thinking that I really probably should plan a test run sometime, if there were ever time available. 

  7. This had been working fine with the current hooks, (Seamlessflags = 0x104) and using the UVI approach with roaming of 'AppData\Local\Microsoft\IdentityCache' and 'AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneAuth' which were needed for the Sync to work properly after a logout. 


    I will hopefully be able to try the ExcludedProcessNames key today, but based on the ProcessMonitor from and RDP session, I don't have high hopes. I'll update as I find out more. I will also attempt to test on other Server OSes.


    2012R2 works as expected still. Still able to configure and have Sync work.


    Unable to test with 2016 server as I don't have any clients currently deployed with Edge on 2016 yet. 


    2019 with ExcludedImageNames set does not popup the error message, but also does not allow user to login and Sync data.

  8. With the April 13 release: 81.0.416.53: the Sign In functionality appears to have changed to a Windows Universal App that can't be opened in a seamless window. It works in a published desktop or desktop RDP session, but not in a seamless window. I have only tested on Server 2019 so far. 


    Citrix: 1912 LTSR

    Server 2019


    Users that are configured for Sync are now not able to sync. New configurations can not log in. 
    Error message:

  9. Including my script to duplicate Apps between to sites. It will create the new apps with proper users, but it may not exactly answer your question about how to create the properties, but maybe will point you in the right direction.


    $global:FROMAdminAddress = '<dcFromFQDN>:80'
    $global:TOAdminAddress = '<dcToFQDN>:80'
    function Verify-Snapins
    $LoadedSnapins = Get-PSSnapin -Name *citrix* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object Name
    If($LoadedSnapins.Name -contains 'Citrix.Broker.Admin.V2')
        Write-Host "Successfully verified that necessary Citrix components are loaded in PowerShell" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $RegisteredSnapins = Get-PSSnapin -Name *citrix* -Registered | Select-Object Name
        If($RegisteredSnapins.Name -contains 'Citrix.Broker.Admin.V2')
            Write-Host "Citrix components are not currently loaded in to PowerShell. Attempting to load components." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
            Add-PSSnapin *citrix*
            Read-Host "The necessary Citrix components to execute this script are not installed on this computer. Press enter to exit."
    function Reset-Script
    $Message = "Operation completed."
    $Question = "Do you want to exit or start over?"
    $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
    $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&StartOver'))
    $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&Exit'))
    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)
    if ($decision -eq 0) 
        Write-Host 'Starting over!' -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host 'Exiting!' -ForegroundColor Yellow
    function Select-DeliveryGroup
        $DeliveryGroups = (Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -AdminAddress $global:FROMAdminAddress).Name
        Write-Host "Please choose a customer Delivery Group to migrate applications for:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        ForEach($DeliveryGroup in $DeliveryGroups)
            Write-Host "$i. $DeliveryGroup"
        [int]$Choice = Read-Host 'Enter the number for the delivery group to choose'
        Write-Host "$($global:DeliveryGroupChoice) was selected as the Delivery Group." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    function Export-Apps
        # Setting start up location
        $Location = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -replace $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,"";
        set-location $Location;
        # Grabs applications
        #$apps = Get-BrokerApplication -MaxRecordCount 2147483647
        $apps =  Get-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $global:FROMAdminAddress -DesktopGroupUid (Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -AdminAddress $global:FROMAdminAddress -Name $global:DeliveryGroupChoice).Uid -MaxRecordCount 2147483647
        $global:Results = @()
        foreach($app in $apps)
            # Building Properties for each application
            $Properties = @{
            AdminFolderName = $app.AdminFolderName
            AdminFolderUid = $app.AdminFolderUid
            ApplicationName = $app.ApplicationName
            ApplicationType = $app.ApplicationType
            AssociatedDesktopGroupPriorities = $app.AssociatedDesktopGroupPriorities
            AssociatedDesktopGroupUUIDs = $app.AssociatedDesktopGroupUUIDs
            AssociatedDesktopGroupUids = $app.AssociatedDesktopGroupUids
            AssociatedUserFullNames = $app.AssociatedUserFullNames
            AssociatedUserNames = $app.AssociatedUserNames
            AssociatedUserUPNs = $app.AssociatedUserUPNs
            BrowserName = $app.BrowserName
            ClientFolder = $app.ClientFolder
            CommandLineArguments = $app.CommandLineArguments
            CommandLineExecutable = $app.CommandLineExecutable
            CpuPriorityLevel = $app.CpuPriorityLevel
            Description = $app.Description
            Enabled = $app.Enabled
            IconFromClient = $app.IconFromClient
            EncodedIconData = (Get-Brokericon -AdminAddress $global:FROMAdminAddress -Uid $app.IconUid).EncodedIconData # Grabs Icon Image
            MetadataKeys = $app.MetadataKeys
            MetadataMap = $app.MetadataMap
            Name = $app.Name
            PublishedName = $app.PublishedName
            SecureCmdLineArgumentsEnabled = $app.SecureCmdLineArgumentsEnabled
            ShortcutAddedToDesktop = $app.ShortcutAddedToDesktop
            ShortcutAddedToStartMenu = $app.ShortcutAddedToStartMenu
            StartMenuFolder = $app.StartMenuFolder
            UUID = $app.UUID
            Uid = $app.Uid
            UserFilterEnabled = $app.UserFilterEnabled
            Visible = $app.Visible
            WaitForPrinterCreation = $app.WaitForPrinterCreation
            WorkingDirectory = $app.WorkingDirectory
     #       $app | gm
     #       write-host $app.AdminFolderName -ForegroundColor Red
     #       break
            # Stores each Application setting for export
            $global:Results += New-Object psobject -Property $properties
        # Setting File name with time stamp
        $Date = Get-Date
        $FileName = $Date.ToShortDateString() + $Date.ToLongTimeString()
        $FileName = (($FileName -replace ":","") -replace " ","") -replace "/",""
        $FileName = "Apps" + $FileName + ".xml"
        # Exporting results
        $global:Results | export-clixml .\$FileName   
    function Import-Apps
        # Importing applications and associating icons with applications 
        # Setting Delivery Group
        $dg = $global:DeliveryGroupChoice
        # Importing Application Data
        # Set the path to your .xml
        $apps = $global:Results
        foreach ($app in $apps)
            Write-Host "Working on Application: " $app.Name -ForegroundColor Green
            If ((Get-Brokerapplication -Name $app.Name -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -ErrorAction Ignore).Count)
            #Do Not attempt to recreate the application, just use the existing one and add the Delivery Group to it
                Write-Host "Adding Application - Not creating new"
                    Add-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -Name $app.PublishedName -DesktopGroup $global:DeliveryGroupChoice | Out-Null
                    Add-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -Name $app.Name -DesktopGroup $global:DeliveryGroupChoice | Out-Null
            } else {
            If ($app.AdminFolderName -ne $null -and (Get-BrokerAdminFolder -Name $app.AdminFolderName -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -ErrorAction Ignore).Count -eq 0) 
                $adminFolder = $app.AdminFolderName.Split("\")
                $folderpath = ""
                $fproot = ""
                foreach ($folder in $adminFolder) 
                    if ($folder -ne "")
                        $folderpath += $folder + "\"
                        if ((Get-BrokerAdminFolder -Name $folderpath -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -ErrorAction Ignore).Count -eq 0)
                            If ($fproot -ne "") 
                                New-BrokerAdminFolder -FolderName $folder -ParentFolder $fproot -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress
                            } else {
                                New-BrokerAdminFolder -FolderName $folder -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress
                        $fproot = $folder
               #Importing Icon 
              # write-host "Doing Icon - New-BrokerIcon -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress"
               $IconUid = New-BrokerIcon -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -EncodedIconData $app.EncodedIconData
               $DoIcon = $true
               #Creating New Application
               #If the BrowserName already exists, modify to something that doesn't...
               If((Get-BrokerApplication -BrowserName $app.BrowserName).Count) {
                 $unique = $False
                 $counter = 0
                 Do {
                    $counter += 1
                    $BNTemp = $app.BrowserName + $counter
                    If(!(Get-BrokerApplication -BrowserName $BNTemp).Count) {
                        $app.BrowserName = $BNTemp
                        $unique = $True
                 Until ($unique)
               #Create the new Application
                    if ($app.CommandLineArguments.Length -lt 2) {$app.CommandLineArguments = " "} 
                    #Adding Application
                    write-host "AdminFolder" $app.AdminFolderName
                    write-host "BrowserName" $app.BrowserName
                    write-host "ComdLineExe" $app.CommandLineExecutable
                    write-host "ClientFldr " $app.ClientFolder
                    write-host "Description" $app.Description
                    write-host "ComdLineArg" $app.CommandLineArguments
                    write-host "Enabled    " $app.Enabled
                    write-host "Name       " $app.Name
                    write-host "UserFiltEna" $app.UserFilterEnabled
                    write-host "WorkingDire" $app.WorkingDirectory
                    write-host "Published  " $app.PublishedName
    ###Comment this out if first attempt fails and use alternate attempt
                    If($app.ClientFolder -ne $null)
                    $appClientFolder = $app.ClientFolder
                    #write-host New-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -AdminFolder $app.AdminFolderName -ApplicationType $app.ApplicationType -BrowserName $app.BrowserName -CommandLineExecutable $app.CommandLineExecutable -Description $app.Description -ClientFolder $app.ClientFolder -CommandLineArguments $app.CommandLineArguments -Enabled $app.Enabled -Name $app.PublishedName -UserFilterEnabled $app.UserFilterEnabled -DesktopGroup $dg -WorkingDirectory $app.WorkingDirectory -PublishedName $app.PublishedName | Out-Null
                    } else {
                    $appClientFolder = "\"
                    #write-host New-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -AdminFolder $app.AdminFolderName -ApplicationType $app.ApplicationType -BrowserName $app.BrowserName -CommandLineExecutable $app.CommandLineExecutable -Description $app.Description -ClientFolder $app.ClientFolder -CommandLineArguments $app.CommandLineArguments -Enabled $app.Enabled -Name $app.PublishedName -UserFilterEnabled $app.UserFilterEnabled -DesktopGroup $dg -WorkingDirectory $app.WorkingDirectory -PublishedName $app.PublishedName | Out-Null
                    New-BrokerApplication -AdminFolder $app.AdminFolderName -ApplicationType $app.ApplicationType -BrowserName $app.BrowserName -CommandLineExecutable $app.CommandLineExecutable -Description $app.Description -ClientFolder $appClientFolder -CommandLineArguments $app.CommandLineArguments -Enabled $app.Enabled -Name $app.PublishedName -UserFilterEnabled $app.UserFilterEnabled -DesktopGroup $dg -WorkingDirectory $app.WorkingDirectory -PublishedName $app.PublishedName | Out-Null
    ### Use this if the first attempt fails to properly create all applications
                    $MakeApp = 'New-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -ApplicationType $app.ApplicationType'
                    if($app.BrowserName -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -BrowserName $app.BrowserName'}
                    if($app.CommandLineExecutable -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -CommandLineExecutable $app.CommandLineExecutable'}
                    if($app.Description -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -Description $app.Description'}
                    if($app.ClientFolder -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -ClientFolder $app.ClientFolder'}
                    if($app.CommandLineArguments -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -CommandLineArguments $app.CommandLineArguments'}
                    if($app.PublishedName -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -Name $app.PublishedName'} 
                    if($app.UserFilterEnabled -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -UserFilterEnabled $app.UserFilterEnabled'}
                    if($app.Enabled -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -Enabled $app.Enabled'}
                    if($dg -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -DesktopGroup $dg'}
                    if($app.WorkingDirectory -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -WorkingDirectory $app.WorkingDirectory'}
                    if($app.PublishedName -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -PublishedName $app.PublishedName'}
                    Invoke-Expression $MakeApp | Out-Null
                    write-host $_.Exception.Message
                    write-host $_.Exception.ItemName
                    write-host "Error on "  $app.BrowserName
                    write-host "Error on "  $app.CommandLineExecutable
                    write-host "Error on "  $app.Description
                    write-host "Error on "  $app.CommandLineArguments
                    write-host "Error on "  $app.Enabled
                    write-host "Error on "  $app.Name
                    write-host "Error on "  $app.UserFilterEnabled
                    #Setting applications icon  
                #     write-host "Doing - Set-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress app.Name -IconUid IconUid.Uid"
                If($DoIcon) {
                       Set-BrokerApplication -Name $app.Name -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -IconUid $IconUid.Uid | Out-Null
                       Set-BrokerApplication -Name $app.PublishedName -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -IconUid $IconUid.Uid | Out-Null
                       write-host "Working on Icon" $IconUid.Uid
                # Adding User Associations
                If($app.AssociatedUserNames -ne $null) 
                        $users = $app.AssociatedUserNames
                        foreach($user in $users)
                                  Add-BrokerUser -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -Name "$user" -Application $app.Name | Out-Null
                                  Add-BrokerUser -AdminAddress $global:TOAdminAddress -Name "$user" -Application $app.PublishedName | Out-Null
                        write-host $_.Exception.Message
                        write-host $_.Exception.ItemName
                        write-host "Error on User  "  $user  $app.Name
    function Start-Script
        Write-Host "We will perform the following: Select customer Delivery Group. Then export the apps for that group and import them into Atlanta Environment." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "Welcome to the ProCirrus application provisioning tool for XenApp 7.6" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Read-Host "Press enter to begin. Hit CTRL-C at any time to cancel the current operation and exit the script."


  10. I updated my cleanup script so that it can run as a login script to reset the Teams client. It checks/sets a registry key to prevent it from running too often. I have it run in the same policy that installs the Teams client by .cmd script and set to run PowerShell scripts first in the policy. It cleans up Teams and then reinstalls Teams in the same policy.

    I works for my environment...YMMV...


    function GetRegValue([string]$Key, [string]$Name)
           if(Test-Path $Key)
    	       $a = get-itemproperty -path $Key
    	       $b = $a.$Name
    	       Return $b
    	       Return $null
    function SetRegValue([string]$Key, [string]$Name, [string]$Value, [string]$Type)
           if(Test-Path $Key)
           Set-ItemProperty -path $Key -name $Name -value $Value -Type $Type -Force
           Return $true
           New-Item -Path $Key
           Set-ItemProperty -path $Key -name $Name -value $Value -Type $Type -Force
           Return $true
    $ScriptStateInfoKey = "HKCU:\Software\CompanySpecific"
    $ScriptStateInfoName = "TeamsCleanup"
    $ScriptStateInfoVersion = "1"
    $ScriptState = GetRegValue $ScriptStateInfoKey $ScriptStateInfoName
    if($ScriptState -eq $null -or $ScriptState -lt $ScriptStateInfoVersion) 
        SetRegValue $ScriptStateInfoKey $ScriptStateInfoName $ScriptStateInfoVersion "STRING"
            $PathsToRemove=@("$UserProfile\AppData\Local\SquirrelTemp","$UserProfile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams","$UserProfile\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams","$UserProfile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin","$UserProfile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\TeamsPresenceAddin","$HomeShare\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Teams")
        foreach($PathToRemove in $PathsToRemove)
            Remove-Item -Path $PathToRemove -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
         #   For testing
         #   $PathToRemove


  11. There was a memory issue with LHC that was resolved. I don't have exact version numbers, but I know I didn't have the issue with 7.15 LTSR and do not have the memory issue with 1912 LTSR on 2012R2. 

    There are still occasional issues with 505 errors that need to be worked through, but internal processes have been cleaned up some and Citrix has done work on the process, which combined have reduced the number of 505 errors significantly. I probably have one about every 2 months now. 

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