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Mark Syms

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Posts posted by Mark Syms

  1. @davidpages

    Thanks for that update, glad you've resolved it. This is interesting though

    tapdisk    2959 root   11w   REG    8,5       16359     0     68343 /var/log/blktap/tapdisk.2959.log (deleted)
    tapdisk    3749 root   11w   REG    8,5        9130     0     68335 /var/log/blktap/tapdisk.3749.log (deleted)

    (and all the others similar).

    That looks entirely unexpected and I'll go dig into the code to see if I can work out what's going on as that looks like a bug to me.

    I assume that there wasn't any manual intervention at any point to clean up space which might have accidentally deleted files that were open in running processes?

  2. Just look for exceptions in the log.

    Or, run "tail -F /var/log/SMlog" while you take a snapshot and it will all be in that block (save the log to a file if you use an ssh client like putty) and then you can read just what happens in the time frame of interest.

  3. yes, may be better deploying new hardware with clean install and then migrating workloads as appropriate, but as it looks like that mostly PVS (and that looks like a very old version of PVS, and XenApp, unless I'm mistaken) then it's probably easier to deploy fresh there as well.

  4. Anything still running XenServer 6.2 is at high risk of security compromise. There are many unpatched and publicly known security issues, not least the entire SPECTRE and MELTDOWN CPU speculative execution exploits.


    You should be making urgent plans to move to something else, whether that be Citrix Hypervisor 8.2 or a different solution entirely.

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