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Mark Syms

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Posts posted by Mark Syms

  1. MCS doesn't make any selection about host as that is the responsibility of the hypervisor which is much better placed to make decisions about where VMs should run. If the VM is created with a GPU requirement and ESXi/vSphere chooses to start it on a host with no GPU then that is a flaw in VMware.



  2. That is exactly the reason and I would suspect external interference has caused things to not be configured correctly.


    When XenDesktop creates non-persistent machines on VMware it uses independent non-persistent disks on the VMs. If you have catalogs that don't have this set then they will not work as clean on boot machines.



  3. If the machines are showing as "no" in the pending updates then the system doesn't think that there is anything to do. There are a few reasons why this may be the case the most likely being that the catalog update process didn't actually complete successfully and so there is nothing to associate with the machine. I think you'll need to do another catalog update and see if that works.



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  4. Campbell, before you do any of this can you please just confirm what version of XenDesktop and VMware you are using?


    We are aware of an issue with XenDesktop 7.5 & VMware 5.0 that I don't want you to drop into.





    MCS Engineering Lead.

  5. I assume you're also on vSphere?


    Can you tell us the rough geographic location of the following?


    * Your XenDesktop Controller

    * Your vCenter server

    * The ESXi servers on which you're trying to create the machines


    The previous error was due to a system timeout caused by extreme geographic separation of these infrastructure pieces.





  6. Hello,

    I have a setup XenDesktop 7.5 on vSphere 5.5.

    At the begining, I created a pooled catalog with 20 machines (with PvD).

    As this was a quick deploy we only had one storage location to put it.


    Now we have created 4more datastores, added them to the Hosts connection, but when we add more machines to the existing catalog, they are still created on the first datastore.


    If we create a new catalog the VMs are spread over all datastores set in the Hosts connection. I believe this is because the catalog contains information about the datastores to put the VMs on, am I correct?


    My questions:

    1. Can I update the existing catalog to also contain the new datastores, or do I need to create a new catalog?

    2. What is the best practice in this scenario if we may add more datastores in the future?


    Thanks for your help,


    That doesn't sound like the correct behaviour. New machines should use the new datastores as well, adding machines should cause the base disk to replicate to the new storage.



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  7. Footpedals are usually some form of Human Interface Device (HID), possibly even pretending to be keyboards. HID devices are denied by default as remoting your USB keyboard or mouse would be quite disastrous. To get this to work you will need to add explicit ALLOW rules into both the client and server USB policies. How to do this is in the product documentation.


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