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Ritik Jain

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  1. NetScaler is an advanced application delivery, load balancing and security solution for your web apps. Prometheus is an open-source monitoring tool that collects metrics data and stores that data with a timestamp at which the data was recorded. NetScaler supports directly exporting metrics to Prometheus. You can use the rich set of metrics provided by NetScaler ADC to monitor and analyze metrics, track the health of your applications, detect anomalies, create alerts, and take necessary corrective actions to ensure robust software delivery. To visualize the metrics we can use Grafana dashboards and use Prometheus as a data source. This lab will provision a NetScaler ADC and then guide you on configuring Prometheus and Grafana. Click the Start hands-on Lab at the top of the post to try out ! Let us know your feedback or any issues in the comments section.
  2. Hi @Garry Cyre​ , I assume I can just deploy these yamls and use our existing Prometheus cluster. Then update our current CIC. to use the new configmap? https://github.com/netscaler/netscaler-observability-exporter/blob/master/examples/prometheus/cic-configmap.yaml https://github.com/netscaler/netscaler-observability-exporter/blob/master/examples/prometheus/coe-prometheus.yaml coe-prometheus.yaml will deploy COE for you configured only to export counters to Prometheus (I'm assuming that is all you are interested in- and not in transactions, logs, events) cic-configmap.yaml will update CIC's settings that in turn will configure your NetScaler(s) to start exporting their counters to COE. Proper deployment of the above two YAMLs should do it for you. is there any configuration needed on the ADC? Some of the docs show some "ingress.citrix.com/analyticsprofile" is there a better doc explaining what settings are available? CIC is supposed to configure NetScaler for you- thus cic-configmap should be all you need to configure. This should be enough for you, unless you have some specific use-case, which you may need to describe. Some of the docs show some "ingress.citrix.com/analyticsprofile" is there a better doc explaining what settings are available? You can refer to this doc for COE specific settings on CIC - https://docs.netscaler.com/en-us/citrix-k8s-ingress-controller/configure/config-map-coe Regards, Ritik
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