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Garry Cyre

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  1. hi @Ritik Jain I enabled a servicemonitor for the COE and see that the endpoints are active. serviceMonitor/prometheus/citrix-coe-prometheus-servicemonitor/0 (2/2 up) I've updated a service to include the analytics ingress.citrix.com/analyticsprofile: '{"webinsight": {"httpurl":"ENABLED", "httpuseragent":"ENABLED", "httphost":"ENABLED", "httpmethod":"ENABLED", "httpcontenttype":"ENABLED"}}' but I'm not seeing any metrics in Prometheus what should I be searching for in Prometheus? thanks Garry
  2. @Ritik Jain I've installed the COE and updated the CIC configmaps, those services seem to be running ok. How do I push the metrics to my prometheus instance? Do I need to create a prometheus "servicemonitor"? What endpoint do I use? what port? thanks Garry
  3. have some k8s services the use Lets Encrypt for certificates, we started seeing errors when CIC tries to upload new certificates ```2024-01-02 18:15:47,715 - INFO - [nitrointerface.py:nsapp_handle_certkeys:2724] (MainThread) ssl vserver:[redacted] SNI certs, server certs to remove:[] , server certs to add:['citrix-2PWDEZBU6WHZLT2JZXG6LB'] 2024-01-02 18:15:50,185 - ERROR - [nitrointerface.py:_create_nsapp_certkey:3164] (MainThread) Nitro Exception while adding certificate citrix-2PWDEZBU6WHZLT2JZXG6LB errorcode=1647,message=Input file(s) not present or not accessible in current partition ``` These are already existing services, there were no issues creating the original certificates.
  4. Hi All I'm looking to install COE alongside our CIC and have a few questions. I assume I can just deploy these yamls and use our existing Prometheus cluster. Then update our current CIC. to use the new configmap? https://github.com/netscaler/netscaler-observability-exporter/blob/master/examples/prometheus/cic-configmap.yaml https://github.com/netscaler/netscaler-observability-exporter/blob/master/examples/prometheus/coe-prometheus.yaml is there any configuration needed on the ADC? Some of the docs show some "ingress.citrix.com/analyticsprofile" is there a better doc explaining what settings are available? thanks Garry
  5. hi Ankit, thanks for the responses. I think we figured out our use-cases and have a working solution
  6. Hi All, Wondering if its possible to use CIC to create a load balanced virtual server without an IP address so that we can manually deploy a cs-virtual server and do host header selection to select the LB VS to send the traffic to. thanks Garry
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