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Robert Young1709152714

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Posts posted by Robert Young1709152714

  1. Hi Chris, can you post the exact error you see and where is it shown. When opening Studio or Director ? or when Launching Citrix Desktops or  Applications ? The article is not clear I will work on getting it updated. In the scenario in the article the customer updated the Controllers, Studio and Director to 2203 but the VDA were on a legacy version. They were experiencing intermittent launch issues of citrix sessions. Once they upgraded the VDA's to the 2203 same level their intermittent launch issues went away. 


  2. Few questions to narrow this down. is it a standard windows notification or is it coming from a specific app ? e.g. MS Teams, Zoom, specific web app running in a browser. Does the session freeze for a few seconds and recover itself or you need to force close and relaunch. App or Desktop Session ? How is the audio device redirected into Citrix ? There are a number of Media Redirection functions that could be at play causing this so knowing the above will help me advise what to try next. 

  3. You are on the right path in terms of 1 of the processes is keeping the session alive preventing it from logging off properly.  I would first suspect the Symantec process hthat is in the session and try these steps. https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX121599/an-active-session-exists-even-after-logging-off-the-session-when-symantec-endpoint-protection-is-installed-on-a-citrix-xenapp-server  


    Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Citrix/wfshell/TWI

    Value Name: SeamlessFlags

    Value Type: REG_DWORD

    Values: 0x20 (this is the flag for the DISABLE SYSTRAY AGENT)


    To avoid multiple instances of the SmcGui process the SEP tray icon, disable SmcGui by setting the following DWORD registry value on the Terminal Server:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SMC\LaunchSmcGui = 0

  4. I believe inside CustomProperties you need to add Zone as a  Name and Values: 



    Zones: The Azure Availability Zones containing provisioned virtual machines. Use a comma as a delimiter for multiple zones. If this property is not specified, the provisioned virtual machine is randomly placed across all Azure Availability Zones in the region defined by the hosting unit.

  5. Navigate to https://reg.c.nssvc.us/Control/Ping (case-sensitive URL) from a web browser on the Cloud Connector machine and check the certificates using the browser tools. We should only see Digicert in the certification chains. If there is any Issued By from your internal organization then SSL inspection is at play. Netscaler Cloud Gateway will not work with that in place. If that is the case then get your firewall team to allow all URL's in this list. https://fqdnallowlistsa.blob.core.windows.net/fqdnallowlist-gov/allowlist.json . More info here https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-cloud-government/system-requirements/cloud-connector-requirements.html#allowed-fqdns-for-cloud-connector

  6. Navigate to https://reg.c.nssvc.us/Control/Ping (case-sensitive URL) from a web browser on the Cloud Connector machine and check the certificates using the browser tools. We should only see Digicert in the certification chains. If there is any Issued By from your internal organization then SSL inspection is at play. Netscaler Cloud Gateway will not work with that in place. If that is the case then get your firewall team to allow all URL's in this list. https://fqdnallowlistsa.blob.core.windows.net/fqdnallowlist-gov/allowlist.json . More info here https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-cloud-government/system-requirements/cloud-connector-requirements.html#allowed-fqdns-for-cloud-connector

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