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Rich Faulkner

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  1. The article here: https://community.netscaler.com/s/article/nfactor-citrix-gateway-push-token shows how to configure the push notification OTP in a PoC guide. Since the push requires the Citrix app, and the push would be sent right away, I am not sure it can be set as a backup. It can be set as part of an nFactor workflow, with Push being used when the conditions specified in nFactor are met. More on nFactor can be found here: https://community.netscaler.com/s/article/citrix-nfactor-mfa. Does that answer your question?
  2. There is an article on the Community site that goes through the SSL Offloading configuration and has the statements for adding the SSL cert key pair.https://community.netscaler.com/s/article/SSL-Offloading-using-Terraform Certificate linking was automated in the 13.0 build 47 or later https://docs.netscaler.com/en-us/citrix-adc/current-release/ssl/ssl-certificates/install-link-and-update-certificates.html#automated-certificate-linking And I believe you can find more SSL cert commands than you ever thought you needed in the Terraform Registry Documentation found here: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/citrix/citrixadc/latest/docs/resources/sslcert Please let me know if you need some more assistance.
  3. Gateway (Formerly Citrix Gateway) is a feature that runs on a NetScaler (formerly Citrix ADC). The Gateway and load-balancing (another feature) are licensed in the currently available Advanced or Premium editions of the NetScaler. The advanced license would meet your needs for both the proxy and the load balancing. Other versions of the software were announced as end-of-sale earlier this month. Please feel free to reach out if you have other questions, or you can also contact your reseller to get pricing.
  4. The following documentation shows the scans that are supported on Ubuntu. https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-gateway/current-release/vpn-user-config/endpoint-policies.html The expression options are listed for each of the scans.
  5. I messaged you privately as well if you are needing something more in depth, but you can find a GSLB article here on the Community site https://community.netscaler.com/s/article/adc-gslb. It has some graphics.
  6. There are also many items like Azure Templates etc. on the Citrix GitHub repo:https://github.com/citrix
  7. That depends on whether or not you listed them in the service group by their IP or from a server object. You can issue the command via CLI:https://developer-docs.citrix.com/projects/citrix-adc-command-reference/en/latest/basic/server/ Or, in the GUI you can navigate to Traffic Management, Load Balancing, Servers and when you choose Disable Server, I believe you have the "Graceful" option there as well:https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-adc/current-release/load-balancing/load-balancing-manage-setup/managing-server-objects.html
  8. This can be found here:https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX219900/configure-time-delay-for-gslb-services-to-be-marked-as-down-when-mep-connection-goes-down
  9. Services can be removed from use gracefully from the GUI or the CLI. You can find the commands for CLI or the navigation for the GUI here:https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-adc/current-release/clustering/cluster-managing/graceful-shutdown-of-services.html#:~:text=all%20cluster%20nodes.-,To%20configure%20graceful%20shutdown%20for%20a%20service%20by%20using%20the,wait%20time%2C%20and%20select%20Graceful.
  10. You can manually synchronize the GSLB sites, but I do not recall if it saves the whole config or pushes the GSLB config down. There is a good discussion by Carl Stalhood on his site:https://www.carlstalhood.com/global-server-load-balancing-gslb-citrix-adc/#gslbsync. You can also join your sites to the ADM Service (Cloud) or an ADM appliance on-premises and push a save ns config.
  11. @Ryan Kuebel have you opened a support ticket? We are not seeing this as a widespread issue, but need to be sure. Collecting some tech support files etc. would help isolate the cause and they can do that from the ticket. Let me know if I can assist from my side as well.
  12. The command looks like this: set snmp alarm <trapName> [-thresholdValue <positive_integer> [-normalValue <positive_integer>]] [-time <secs>] [-state ( ENABLED | DISABLED )] [-severity <severity>] [-logging ( ENABLED | DISABLED )] The trap you are looking for I believe is TEMPERATURE-HIGH
  13. The Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) load balancing let's you front end multiple MQTT broker pools and send traffic only to those pools that are responding properly when probed. It brings the Load Balancing and protection capabilities of the NetScaler to MQTT traffic. MQTT_TLS is the secure method of that load balancing. For more information, review this link. https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-adc/current-release/load-balancing/load-balancing-mqtt.html
  14. Does the backend server reside in one of the two networks where the SNIP exists? If it is in the same network as one but not the other, how would it use the other's SNIP as the gateway? Perhaps the resources could exist in a third subnet, with a router that participates in BGP. Then the dynamic routing capabilities of the ADC can update the route to point ot the active ADC SNIP for the outbound traffic. You can look through the options here, as there are actually three routing tables maintained on each ADC. https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-adc/current-release/networking/ip-routing/configuring-dynamic-routes.html Thoughts?
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