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Royce Mendoza1709160095

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Posts posted by Royce Mendoza1709160095

  1. On 8/9/2019 at 3:54 PM, Chris Tyson1709156276 said:

    Have you assigned your user group to the delivery group?




    You can also check that a policy has been assigned via Manage - Devices - select device - Edit - Assigned Policies





    Yes i already assigned the user group to the delivery group that i created. But the problem still the same. I have policies that are assigned to that delivery group and the policies doesn't exists on the device's assigned policies.


    Just to confirm, once i created policies and assign it to the delivery group, the policies should take effect on the users on the delivery group right?


    Thank you.

    • Like 1
  2. Hello


    I'm new to Citrix Endpoint management and i requested a trial to Citrix to do some testing. 


    I used only the local user (not integrated with AD), i created local group and assign my users to that local group. I create delivery group and enroll my Android/iOS device using the user credentials that i made and the enrollment was successful. 


    My problem is when i create policies to my devices, it doesn't push the policy from my Endpoint management to my devices. When i click the policies it should be installed right? But it says [0 Installed | 0 Pending | 0 Failed] even if i created the policy and deployment option is "now". Also when i refresh policy to my end devices, it says "Refresh request failed". Do you guys have any suggestion? 


    Thank you.


  3. Hi


    I already did that too. When you create policy and save, does it automatically installed on the devices? Because when i click on the devices section i saw 0 pendings, 0 Installed and 0 failed. By the way the devices was iOS.


    Thanks for you response.

  4. Hi


    I have citrix endpoint management service trial. I successfully created APNs and enrolled my iOS device. My problem is when i created a policy that restricts the apple iPads to use camera, the policy doesn't work. As far as i know after creating the policy, it will automatically push the policy to the iOS devices right?



  5. Hi


    I request a citrix endpoint management service trial. Instead of using Active directory for authentication, i will use only the local user that i will create on citrix endpoint management. My question is, is it possible to enroll a windows device even if i don't have AD integrated with citrix cloud? Also, how can i create a CSR without the use of AD for APNs



  6. Hi


    I created CSR on my IIS server and already signed by citrix. I encounter this error when i uploaded the signed csr to apple. My error was: 


    Invalid Certificate Signing Request

    The Certificate Signing Request you entered appears to be invalid. Make sure that request file uploaded is in the correct format and not empty.


    do you guys know how to solve this? i only followed the steps based on Citrix docs.




  7. Hello


    I'm setting up a Citrix endpoint management (on-prem) testing environment on my lab. I used Citrix Xenserver for this environment. I created 3 VMs (AD, Xenmobile server, Windows 10) all in the same network. I searched on Citrix docs and i found that i can use the no self discovery service for this testing that's why i tried that enrollment option.


    I'm having a hard time enrolling my windows 10 device to my xenmobile server. After I input my username and the server name, the error was "We can't connect to the service you need right now. Check your connection or try this again later". 


    Any inputs on how to solve this? 



  8. Hi guys,


    I'm new to Citrix Endpoint management. Want to ask if it is possible for Citrix endpoint management to lock all the devices to an exclusive Wifi? All the users cannot connect to other access point unless it is their designated wifi.


    Is it also possible to remove/disable icloud backup capabilities and Realtime Notification to admin if the user do something that is prohibited?



  9. Hi Guys,


    It's my 1st time configuring Citrix gateway for external access of Virtual apps and desktops. I want to know if these pre-requisites is enough for me to configure it successfully.

    • Public SSL Certificate
    • Public IP address
    • Public DNS resolver
    • Domain info for authentication


    Does this pre-requisites all i need for the configuration? if not, what else?

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