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Komal Bhardwaj

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Everything posted by Komal Bhardwaj

  1. Yes, the Management logs / Non Packet Engine logs feature was recently released in 14.1 version. Let me know if this serves your requirements.
  2. Hi David, The NetScaler ADM & Splunk integration json file is available to download from here - https://www.citrix.com/downloads/citrix-adc/sample-dashboards/endpoints-and-dashboards.html . You can read more about the integration here - https://docs.netscaler.com/en-us/citrix-application-delivery-management-service/analytics/security/splunk-integration.html Let me know if you are looking for something else.
  3. And the labs are available for a quick trial of NetScaler's capabilities on the browser itself. https://community.netscaler.com/s/netscaler-labs
  4. Hi Ken, We are working to add more how-to examples. Here are some resources to watch out for - https://github.com/netscalerhttps://github.com/citrix/cloud-native-getting-started
  5. Hey Jeff, thanks for trying the Prometheus integration capability. Which NetScaler firmware version are you trying ? It should be 13.1-42.47 or later. Secondly, I want to ensure you are trying out the latest documentation - https://docs.netscaler.com/en-us/citrix-adc/current-release/ns-ag-appflow-intro-wrapper-con/prometheus-integration.html. From the error logs it seems, there is some issue either in the schema.json file. Check if there is no comment on the top that starts with /* in this file. Regards, Komal
  6. The labs are a great place to begin. https://community.netscaler.com/s/netscaler-labs For full documentation, you can refer NetScaler's Terraform provider documentation itself - https://registry.terraform.io/providers/citrix/citrixadc/latest/docs
  7. An Ingress Controller is a controller monitors the Kubernetes API server for updates to the Ingress resource and configures the Ingress load balancer accordingly. Citrix has developed an open-source Ingress controller called as Citrix Ingress Controller (CIC) deployed in a Kubernetes cluster to automate the NetScaler's configurations. CIC can configure all NetScaler form factors (MPX/SDX/VPX/BLX/CPX). Citrix Ingress Controller supports the following deployments options: A sidecar container for configuring Tier 2 Ingress proxy (NetScaler CPX proxy).Standalone deployment configuring Tier 1 external Ingress proxy (MPX/SDX/BLX/VPX).Note: This tutorial is for learning the basics of CIC deployment modes. For more information on end to end example, see getting started guides. Prerequisite: Kubernetes cluster (Following example is tested in an on-premises v1.22.1 K8s cluster). Deploy the CIC as a sidecar with NetScaler CPX proxy. kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/citrix/cloud-native-getting-started/master/beginners-guide/manifest/cpx.yamlkubectl get pods -l app=cpx-ingress There are two containers running in the same pod highlighted by 2/2 in the READY column. One container is for NetScaler CPX proxy and another container is for CIC. The details of both containers are the following. kubectl describe pod $(kubectl get pods -l app=cpx-ingress | awk ‘{print $1}’ | grep cpx-ingress) Deploy CIC for configuring Tier 1 NetScaler VPX. wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/citrix/cloud-native-getting-started/master/beginners-guide/manifest/tier1-cic.yaml Update the NS_IP environment variable in the tier1-cic yaml file with NetScaler management IP. Deploy CIC in K8s cluster. kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/citrix/cloud-native-getting-started/master/beginners-guide/manifest/tier1-cic.yamlkubectl get pods -l app=cic-k8s-ingress-controllerkubectl describe pod <pod name> Verify the CIC logs. kubectl logs -f <pod name> Clean up the K8s cluster. kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/citrix/cloud-native-getting-started/master/beginners-guide/manifest/cpx.yamlkubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/citrix/cloud-native-getting-started/master/beginners-guide/manifest/tier1-cic.yaml For more information on all supported options for the Citrix Ingress controller, see Modern App deployment YAML manifest details. For more information on the Citrix ingress controller, see the Citrix ingress controller documentation. For more tutorials, see beginners-guides.
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