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Everything posted by MBi

  1. Hello, I need to enable 2FA for some VDI. Producats that I have found only support 2FA for Windows login on physical machines or by using RDP. Is there a solution to enable 2FA for VDI (password and Google authenticator or similar ? ) Thanks.
  2. Hello, Same issue with VDA 203 CU3, CU4 and 2402. If we stop Citrix profil service on the VDA and use Windows profil it works again. If the profil is not existing thge user can log and UPM create all files. The second logon., after a log off, it sucks. We are using AppLayer to create the master image. Are you also using SentinelOne ?
  3. It's not clear what the main cause is. When I use a CU4 VDA without SentinelOne, the login time is better. Please note that all the exceptions to be defined for the antivirus are applied. When I deploy a new master image with SentinelOne, but a version of the OS Layer without the Windows 2024 updates (01-2024 OR 2024-02 or 2024-03), then the login times seem ok. When I deploy a new master with VDA CU3 and SentinelOne and the updated OS Layer version, login times are better, in the sense that the 60000ms time limit is never exceeded.
  4. Hello, Is there a way to get a list of all published applications that are running on all VDA and per user ? From Director or a command line ? I need the same informations that are diplayed in Director, under the "Applications" tab on a user, but for all users at the same time. More specific, I need to identify all applications that are in the state "Not responding". This state is not displayed in Studio but only in Director. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello, Since we use VDA 2203 CU4 and VDA CU4 update1 the time to launch an application is becoming longer. So long that sometimes the application is not launching because of a timeout. As a workaround we changed the timeout to 120000 ms, but this is not a solution. Value Name: ApplicationLaunchWaitTimeoutMS Type: REG_DWORD Data (decimal): <required additional time-out, in milliseconds> (Example 60seconds=60000milliseconds) Published Application Fails to Appear (citrix.com) Any idea ? Thanks
  6. Hello, Since few months the logon times are very slow. It used to take about 30 seconds to login for a user but now it takes more than 60 seconds. We have no explication. We are using Applayer to create master images. Maybe there is an issue with ApplAlayer (version 2312) ? We often update OS Layer with the last Windows updates. We also use WEM (version 2308). In director, we cas see that the "Interactive Logon" process takes the much time. Sometimes it is the GPO processing. Thanks for your help.
  7. Hello, We are using Workspace 22.03 CU2 ~CU4. There is a GPO to enable auto-update feature. Unfotunatly these settings are never applied to dekstops. There is no "Update" entry in the Workspace menu. This is not an issue about GPO scope or somethings like this. gpresult shows that GPO is applied on workstations Thanks .
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