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Problems with WAF wizard

Michael B

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Hi all, I'm trying to run the WAF wizard to deploy basic security on public facing sites using signatures. Initially I would run in logging mode and not block, but I can't even get that far. I can manually update the Signatures, so they are current. The wizard never completes just spins and will not create a copy of signatures, any polices etc. The only item that gets created is a profile but no settings are configured. I'm running 13.1-49.15, Platinum license with the features enabled. Any thoughts or known issues with this firmware version?

I've already opened a case and waiting for them to investigate further.


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Thanks for the response. I already have a support ticket open, and the support technician confirmed the behavior and asked for a support bundle which is uploaded. Still have not heard back from him.

I did notice there are some syslog messages getting sent from the instances with the following errors:

"Failed to download mapping file from: https://s3.amazonaws.com/NSAppFwSignatures/SignaturesMapping.xml "





Nov 10 2023 08:59:11

"Failed to parse Signatures mapping file: '/nsconfig/waf_signatures/SignaturesMapping.xml' "





It would initially seem like something was blocking access to the AWS source for the signatures, but I am able to manually force the update with no errors. I have tried to review our network logs for any blocks like that and have not found any.

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