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Netscaler CPU 100% since last update

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Hi Georg,

there is no official fix at the moment. I have opened a case a few weeks ago (SR 82430732) and Citrix collected all required files. They can replicate this issue, so a fix should be available with the next firmware release in february. I don´t think that will fix this problem. There is no hint within the release notes and it is an emergency release I found out that you can workaround this issue when you do a failover to the secondary node. The new primary (and old primary also) will have normal CPU utilization until reboot. But the high CPU utilization shouldn´t be a real problem, since the secondary will become primary in an outage of the primary appliance and the CPU utilization will fall down to normal utilization.


Best regards,


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Hi Davud, replaces It fixes the security vulnerabilities CVE-2023-6548 and CVE-2023-6549, but has no other greater bugfixes. This is why your secondary appliances will also have a high cpu utilization after you update from any other version to


This issue is will be fixed in 14.1_27.x. They plan to release it in the second week of april. It´s a much longer time as usually for a new firmware release, but they want to do all sanity checks before it is released to public. The issue will be documented as NSHELP-37015 in the release notes. This information was provided by Citrix Support to us.


Best regards,


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