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How to retrieve a systemfile using nitro

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Hi community,


as mentioned in https://www.sepago.de/blog/file-handling-mit-dem-netscaler-ueber-die-nitro-api-in-php/ published in 2016 there was a way to basically download files frm netscaler using nitro systemfile. When I try now with 13.1 using /nitro/v1/config/systemfile/ns-root.cert?args=filelocation:nsconfig%2Fssl I just get json describing the file and not the file content. When downloading using the gui i see that something like /rapi/download is being called (with a certain rand_key).


Anyone knows a way to actually download files, for instance ssl files in /nsconfig/ssl? Or ist there a way using ADM or SDX nitro api?




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