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Elastic layer not attached - (0x80004005): The semaphore timeout period has expired

Alexey Kutuzov1709163409


Hi All,
Came accross with an issue when occasionaly one or a few elastic layers are not connected to a pooled desktop on a user logon.
If the user makes a new logon immediately then all elastic layers attached successfully. 
I found the following error in the log:

2023-10-31 08:10:48,717 ERROR 14 NativeMethodLogger: Failed to attach virtual disk '\\fs.domain.com\VOL1_ElasticLayer\Unidesk\Layers\App\P1212498.R1.vhd' with options 'ReadOnly, NoDriveLetter, Permanent': Error code 121
2023-10-31 08:10:49,014 ERROR 27 CompositingManager: Could not load disk 'Unidesk/Layers/App/P1212498.R1.vhd', but continuing anyway
2023-10-31 08:10:49,014 ERROR 26 CompositingManager: Could not load disk 'Unidesk/Layers/App/P1212498.R1.vhd', but continuing anyway
2023-10-31 08:10:49,014 ERROR 6 CompositingManager: Could not load disk 'Unidesk/Layers/App/P1212498.R1.vhd', but continuing anyway
2023-10-31 08:10:49,014 ERROR 21 CompositingManager: Could not load disk 'Unidesk/Layers/App/P1212498.R1.vhd', but continuing anyway
2023-10-31 08:10:49,029 ERROR 21 CompositingManager: Caught exception: 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The semaphore timeout period has expired


Please, advise what to check.

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