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URL Transform Policies for Azure Containers Stopped Working

Tony Arlington

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We use transform policies for our containers in Azure. Recently, our transform policies for these containers stopped working. We have other transform policies that still work. And we even see the transform policies that are not working, get hits. They just don't do the transformation.


We recently upgraded to 14.1 4.42.nc but I can't say for sure if that caused the policies to stop working or if it was something before that. I believe the URL Transform action is pretty standard:


Request URL From


Request URL Into


Response URL From


Response URL Into



That's an example of how we have it written out. The only thing I noticed is that the server on the backend performs a redirect. However, the developers who handle the server say that the server redirect happens after anything on the Netscaler side. I don't know enough to say otherwise so I'm hoping someone can help or point me in the right direction. Like I said, everything was working previously but two things happened since that time. 1. The servers were migrated to a newer version of Linux. 2. The Netscaler was upgraded from 13.1 to 14.1. Any insight or help you can provide is much appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Tony,
have you solved this issue?


We are having the same issue after migrating transform policies from Netscaler 13.0 to 14.1.

Backendsystem was not touched, the policies were migrated 1 to 1 from version 13.0 to 14.1 . After that, the transform policy only shows a hit, but does not transform the URL.

In our case it is not a backend in azure, it's on an on premise server.


Thanks in advance.

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