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HTML5 Redirection - Javascript Web Cam Fails After Multiple Refreshes

Ben Price


We have an intranet site that uses the Javascript MediaDevices/MediaStream APIs in the browser to access the user's web cam. We access this site in Edge or Chrome through Citrix Virtual Apps. This works successfully when the page is initially loaded, but if the page is refreshed ~8-10 times, the call to get the media stream returns "NotReadableError -  Could not start video source." This error persists until the Citrix session is terminated, at which point the user can reconnect and it will work again for a few attempts. There is no CPU or memory spike on the endpoint or VDA, but the network traffic spikes to 100% utilization on the endpoint for a few seconds when it fails to load the stream for the last time. We can reproduce this issue with any HTML5/Javascript website (i.e. webcamtests.com) and it fails in the same way. Browser Content Redirection prevents this issue from happening on these test sites, however, due to the Chrome extension this solution will not work for our intranet site since it conflicts with security policies on the site. 


We have attempted to enable HTML5 redirection, without success. The debug log from HdxVideo.js indicates the redirection is starting, but the issuer persists. It's unclear if HdxVideo.js is meant for the MediaDevices/MediaStreams (WebRTC) APIs. Is there some other Javascript embeddable file that works for WebRTC and webcam access via Javascript? Is there any other potential workarounds that we are missing?

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