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Remove network printers in Citrix Virtual Apps not working

Björn Schläfli




Our infrastructure team, which is responsible for printer mapping uses group policy preferences with mode update to map network printers. That works beside every mapping logs a warning in event log saying it doesn't work but it does. Anyway. They use gpp's also to remove printers, if user is no longer a member of the security group for this printer. This is not working on Citrix. Printers are not removed, also after a few logoff and logon cycles. The only way to remove these printers is to remove them manually or in registry and relogon. On fat clients locally it works with the gpp way.

How do we have to configure the removal of network printers in Citrix sessions?


Another issue:

They moved printers to a new printer server. While the removal of the old didn't work because of the first issue, these user's had their printers twice and weren't able to print anymore. Deleting the printers manually and relogon didn't work if the user was brokered to a server vda where the wrong queues already had been mapped. I guess because of the registry entrys on the server in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\Client Side Rendering Print Provider\.... I've had to run a powershell script, which removed all the registry keys from hkcu and hklm of these printers, log users off and restart the servers. This is pretty bad.

Anyone has a helpful idea for this issue?

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