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Office 365 automatic updates get activated on second logon

Heimo Ptak


At first logon when the user profile will be created Office updates are turned off. Beginning with the second logon automatic updates are turned on and office will look for updates on its own also users are able to download & install Office updates - but updates were disabled in the setup xml file. Office Updates are disabled in our group policy as well.


The Office layer was created using the Office recipe. Installing Teams was disabled because we have Teams for VDI in a separate layer.

Update source is an empty share. This share is set in the group policy and the setup XML as well. This path is accessable for every domain user.


It really seems that all office update settings will be ignored beginning with the second logon. When looking at the version info (2nd logon and later) Office365 shows monthly enterprise & automatic updates activated.

Originally after first logon office shows semi annual & updates deactivated.


I had a look at many user disks: All of them downloaded updates -most of them installed office inside the user profile - this will end in a desaster.


Does anyone have experience with that issue? Would be  great to get help!


Thanks a lot in advance!


Best regards,



Screenshot 2022-08-05 105659.png

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