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Logitech webcams session dis- and reconnection

Björn Schläfli


In the last weeks some users complained about issues with application launches (seamless). The first application launches properly, maybe a bit slow launching, but with every application started afterwards, the session is disconnected and reconnected and the workspace app disappears in between. 

We've found out that Logitech webcams connected to the endpoint lead to this problem. Disconnect the webcam and the issue is gone. Furthermore I've found out that this issue starts with vda 2103 and persists with all following versions. With VDA 2012 Logitech webcams are working.

What's new in Citrix edocs describe a change in webcam redirection.

"HDX webcam compression no longer requires the VDA to encode, transcode, and decode H.264 video resources. By default, the server streams video directly to the video conferencing applications running in the virtual session."


Seems that Logitech webcams cannot handle this new feature.


To disable this feature:


Name: OfferH264ToApp


Wert: 0


I'll test this regkey and will let you know.


Our site:

Virtual Apps 2103

VDA 2112

Server 2016


Anyone else with this issue?

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We have had a ticket open for months with Citrix on this issue. This looks like it worked for us. Let me know your results.

Create the following registry key on the VDA:


Path :HKLM\Software\Citrix\SvcHost\IcaCtlsSvcs\
Value: GvchEnable
Type: DWORD Data: 0


Restart the VDA, and verify if the issue still occurs.


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