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Citrix Cloud Library: List of Subscribers

Marc Borchert


Hi Team,

by using the Citrix Cloud Library as the center of publishing / assigning users to resources it is for security reasons important to get a list of Subscribers for each published resource / resources with at least one subscribers. Within the list of Subscribers, I need to verify the domain or UPN do make sure, that subscribers are member only of allowed domains.

http://prntscr.com/1rjz3l5 (print screen of the dialog)

I would prefer to use a rest-API because I would like to create a Microapp for this at a later time. For now a Python Script would do it.
What is the right API - Call ? I wasn't able to find the right one.




Edited by Marc Borchert
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Hi Marc: the bad news is that there is no public API to retrieve the subscriber list. However...


If you were to open the Network tab in Chrome Developer Tools while using the Citrix Cloud console to view the subscribers interactively, you might notice that the console GETs 


 to enumerate the offerings in the library, then POSTs a query containing an offering ID and service ID to


to retrieve a list of subscribers.


Further, if you were to open https://cloudlibrary.citrixworkspacesapi.net/ in your browser, you would find these and other APIs described. With a bit of experimentation you might discover that these APIs work just like Citrix Cloud's public APIs in terms of authentication etc.


Of course, these are not public APIs, so they may change at any time. Caveat Developer!

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