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Primer: Application Dashboard in NetScaler ADM

Chris Chau
  • Validation Status: Validated
    Summary: Application Dashboard in NetScaler ADM helps you identify and troubleshoot any application performance issues, in an application-centric way.

Applications are the heart of the business and operations of most of the enterprises.  As a successful enterprise, having the sophisticated and well-designed applications are NOT enough.  You will need a well-performing and promising app delivery platform, with insightful analytics, in order to ensure the well-developed apps are running nice and effective.


NetScaler ADC is a well-known and industry-leading app delivery controller.  It handles every transaction of the apps and keeps an eye on every request and response behaviour.  Hence, it is in the perfect position to gather all the transaction information, and pass this analytic data to the NetScaler ADM for the app performance analytics and any anomalies detection.


Application Dashboard in the NetScaler ADM is a single pane of glass, showing you the application analytics and performance scoring of your apps being delivered thru NetScaler.  It provides not only an overview of ALL the apps performance, but also specific app's visibility and analytics by clicking and drilling down from the dashboard.


Finally, Application Dashboard and Application Analytics in ADM will also suggest you the remediations to the discovered performance or security issues.


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