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Optimizing app performance monitoring with ADM Application Dashboard

Chris Chau
  • Validation Status: Validated
    Summary: This is a briefing on the app performance monitoring via App Dashboard

Are you finding it difficult and time-consuming to manually monitor the performance of multiple business-critical applications? Are you struggling to proactively detect application issues and prevent them from affecting your users? And even if you identify problems, are you having trouble troubleshooting and remedying them?


Luckily, you can simplify your workload by using NetScaler to deliver apps to your users, along with Application Delivery Management (ADM), which provides 24/7 monitoring of application performance, no matter where the apps are located. With NetScaler operating in the core data path of your applications and handling all transactions, ADM Service, through App Insights, offers visibility and observability via the Application Dashboard, enabling you to measure application performance and detect any potential issues.


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