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NetScaler Automation with ADM and Ansible

Chris Chau
  • Validation Status: Validated
    Summary: To cope with the trend of DevOps/DevSecOps and reduce the risk of human mistakes, the automation of your IT/App infrastructure is the current hot topic. NetScaler ADC, which is acting as the middle-man between infrastructure and applications, can be automated by ADM and other 3rd-party automation tools, like Ansible.

Today, the market trends and customer demands are changing frequently and continuously.  Enterprises need to cope with this rhythm, in order to achieve their business goals and retain a competitive position in such severe-fighting market.


IT infrastructure team, application team and security team of these enterprises would need to adopt a new way of resources management, so that most of the resources and apps roll-out can be self-service and provisioned.  Such automation covers stages across the development, testing and staging, and finally production.


Since NetScaler ADC is playing a key role in the App Delivery Platform, it also supports automation by not only ADM Service, but also other 3rd-party automation tools, like Ansible, Terraform, etc...


In this video, you will listen to our briefing on the NetScaler ADC Automation overview and also enjoy the demo on automation with Anisble.   


Please also be aware that there are labs for our NetScaler ADC Automation in our Community Portal and you are welcomed to try (https://community.netscaler.com/s/netscaler-labs).  


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