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CICO pooled license management for unmanaged ADC Instances

Chris Chau
  • Validation Status: Validated
    Summary: ADM Service can assign license to both managed and unmanaged ADC instances, providing greater flexibility to various use cases and scenarios.

CICO licensing for ADC instances in ADM is a key feature in enabling a flexible and scalable hybrid multi-cloud app delivery platform. 


As you all should know, every ADC instance must have a license allocated, before it can perform its job.  Without CICO licensing, every ADC instance needs to be installed with a proper license file MANUALLY, creating hiccups in a establishing a fully automated and orchestrated platform.  When more and more enterprises are adopting cloud (private or public) infrastructure, with automation and orchestration, such a CICO licensing function in ADM is crucial to ensure any ADC instances can be up and running flexibly, without any human intervention.  


Now, CICO licensing also supports both "managed" and "unmanaged" devices in ADM.  This ensures it can be applied to any ADC instances use cases, from dev test, to staging and even production platform.


Please take a look at the following video for a brief explanation.



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