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ADM Service for Security Advisories CVE-2022-27510, CVE-2022-27513 and CVE-2022-27516

Chris Chau
  • Validation Status: Validated
    Summary: Explaining how ADM Service helps rectify these related CVEs on NetScaler automatically

ADM Service helps you manage your fleet of NetScaler ADC instances, which are being used anywhere in hybrid multi-cloud.  Any daily operations or routine configurations changes can be scheduled and done by ADM Service automatically.


Security Advisory in ADMN Service is specifically design to ensure the security posture of your NetScaler instances.  It helps you identify what CVEs is impacting your NetScaler fleet, or which NetScaler is impacted by which CVE.  With that, you can arrange the ADM Service to rectify it, by upgrading the NetScaler to the appropriate fixed version and/or configuring any required policies/commands to mitigate the issues.


Please take a look at the following short video to know more...


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