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Action Policy Enhancements in ADM

Chris Chau
  • Validation Status: Validated
    Summary: Easier way to create action policies for monitoring critical apps' performance

Action Policy is a feature in ADM, which defines what should be done whenever an specific event happened.  For example, a user can use Action Policy to define whom should be notified, if an critical app's response time was over the threshold.  


In the old days, 1 Action Policy can be assigned to one application only.  If a user has multiple critical apps, which should have the same response time threshold and action, multiple Action Policies need to be created and assigned.  


With the current enhancement, one Action Policy can be assigned to multiple apps if the requirements and behaviour are similar.  Also, you may create the Action Policy directly from the Web Insight Analytics, if anything went wrong as seen in the statistics.  It is a much simpler workflow.


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