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Chris Gilbert

Legacy Group
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Posts posted by Chris Gilbert

  1. It may change in future release, as I think we shouldn't have it enabled for all services, as clearly it's adding to the memory footprint for no good reason.


    The broker is by far the most concurrent service and benefits from not having to contend for memory the most, the other services copied this change, but perhaps they shouldn't have.

    • Like 1
  2. Have you tried altering the app.config for the services to disable serverGC. Note I'd leave the broker in the default config with serverGC enabled.


    IE change the line:

    <gcServer enabled="true" />


    <gcServer enabled="false" />


    It was enabled for the broker as it's heavily multi-threaded, and benefitted from the server version of gc, the other services probably get less benefit.


    As for multi-cpu changing behaviour, on single cpu .net always uses workstation gc (even when configured for servergc)


    Only on multi-cpu does servergc kick in.  Once we have multiple cpus each cpu has it's own memory heap, and so the memory consumption can seem high.  In theory .net should return the memory if the system is under memory pressure.

    • Like 2
  3. That's normal.


    The broker services are coded in .net and using WCF, and .net likes to keep hold of memory as free within the .net processes, and so appear to have higher memory footprint (if the memory is available)  As it works on the idea that it needed it once, and might need it again.


    If there was memory pressure on the system .net should return the free memory to the system.


    Note this doesn't mean there aren't cases where the amount of memory would be a concern.


    So for that screen shot I'd say "normal" usage.



  4. As well as the product licenses, we have a generic CITRIX license.

    It looks like someone has overwritten your:
    when they should have added the demo license file as an extra file in that directory. Your output shows just one license file has been found:
    License file(s) on mercury: /etc/opt/CTXSls/citrix_startup.lic:

    The citrix_startup.lic should contain a line for CITRIX, similar to:
    INCREMENT CITRIX CITRIX 2002.0101 permanent 5000 \

    and it should be listed under the features, eg:
    Feature usage info:

    Users of CITRIX: (Total of 5000 licenses issued; Total of 4 licenses in use)

    "CITRIX" v2002.0101, vendor: CITRIX
    floating license

    The citrix_startup.lic is installed by the license server installation. I believe we also make a copy of it as the file:

    If you rename the current citrix_startup.lic to something else, and copy the citrix_startup.lic.default file to citrix_startup.lic, and restart the license server, that should fix the problem.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi Rajdeep,

    It looks likes you're missing CITRIX licenses. They should be supplied by the citrix_startup.lic file.

    However, as that's the only license file listed, that suggests the file has been overwritten by the licenses for the features.

    Citrix products use a CITRIX license to confirm that the server they're talking to is a Citrix License Server (it also helps to track which citrix servers are talking to the license server as well), and then checkout licenses of the correct type.

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