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Kyle Wise1709152781

Legacy Group
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Posts posted by Kyle Wise1709152781

  1. Try doing a manual merge.



    Or this process:


    1. Copy your VHD and AVHD files to a new folder.

    2. On the server where your VHD and AVHD files are located open command prompt.

    3. Type Diskpart and press enter.

    4. Type Select vdisk file=”<store path/location of where you copied the vdisk and version to>\<last avhd file name>”

    5. Type Mergevdisk depth=X

    Replace the number 6 with your specific number of version files that need to be merged.

    This is basically the same process that the PVS Soap service does from the console.


    After you merge the vdisk, you can rename the merged vdisk, import it into the store and assign it to target devices.

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