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Tony Proudlove1709152705

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Posts posted by Tony Proudlove1709152705

  1. Sorry I've not come back to this thread for a while, but after opening my support ticket I had a number of things suggested, mainly revolving around session reliability.


    Since I first came across this problem and have started looking out for it, we've found more and more of our users have experienced the same thing - but previously they'd just treated it as 'Citrix has froze'.


    So, going back to the suggestions I received from Citrix, I tried this step on an affected users machine, to disable session reliability:


    6. Disable session reliability for the single user experiencing the issue with one of the methods below and confirm if the issue reoccurs.

    Custom ICA file - http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX135450

    Or client registry key - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\CGP\CGPAddress: ""

    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Network\CGP\CGPAddress: ""


    Since I did this, the user has not experienced the issue, whereas previously she was experiencing it multiple times a day.


    I'm now considering turning off session reliability globally.



    UPDATE: Unfortunately this affected user has experienced the issue again, so it looks like the above change made no difference.

  2. We tried to narrow this issue down to SAP, Lotus Notes or MS Office, but in every case I saw the issue myself, a published explorer was involved.


    Are there any similarites on all the other issues?


    We're also a Lotus Notes house, so it's interesting to see that similarity, because it is a notoriously troublesome application. We also publish Explorer - which I know is not recommended or supported - but this particular user who is regularly experiencing this problem does not seem to use the published Explorer. The apps she generally has open are Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Attachmate Reflection (terminal emulator) and maybe an Office app or Adobe Reader.

  3. Add me to the list.


    My user is running published apps, not a full desktop. We have a thousand or so users, but the majority aren't affected. I have been dealing with one user recently who has been reporting intermittent freezing, and it's only just now I've caught it and realised the session isn't freezing - it's just stopped responding to mouse clicks.


    It's possible that more are experiencing this issue, but are also reporting it as a frozen session.


    Interesting things I noted:

    We have a mixed environment, with a 6.5 and 4.5 farm. The user runs most of her apps from the 6.5 farm, and one legacy application from the 4.5 farm. When this issue happens, it's only the applications on the 6.5 server that stop respondng to mouse clicks - the 4.5 server is never affected. (lesson learned, stick with the end of life stuff - Citrix quality control is not what it once was  :P )


    I used Connection Centre and disconnected the user's session on the 6.5 server, then logged back into StoreFront and her session was reconnected. After reconnecting to the existing session, the mouse clicks responded correctly.


    Online Plug-in version is

    XenApp 6.5 server is patched up to Rollup Pack 2 (I have Rollup Pack 3 in UAT - will be interesting to see if that makes a difference)


    I'll raise a support request over this issue, but wanted to add my name to the list here.


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