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Arjan Beijer1709152615

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Posts posted by Arjan Beijer1709152615

  1. After enabling TLS 1.3 and disabling all other TLS settings the Windows VPN client cannot connect to the gateway anymore.

    I did set the correct ECC value(s) and Cipher-suite and enabled the "setssl parameter -defaultProfile e".


    A modern browser is able to connect to the gateway without any issue, the vpn client however gives a "ERROR | statusCallbackFunc | 71 | SSL library internal failure"


    Is TLS 1.3 not supported yet ?


    Firmware used is "build-13.0-76.31_nc_64" and we are using the latest VPN client available.

  2. If you try to install the "IcaTS_x64.msi" manually you will get the problem instantly.


    The installation tries to set a regkey in "HKLM\Software\wow6432node\citrix\euem\loggedevents" but failed to do so because of an permission issue.


    Probably this gets set when installing the msi and not removed after uninstallation.

    Just take ownership and add the user installing the MSI and it will run fine.

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