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Rick Culler

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Posts posted by Rick Culler

  1. Just looking for what others are doing to handle Google Chrome profiles (especially since about version 118) when Chrome now has the randomly generated profile names, instead of "User Data"?


    Up until this version, we had been using handling Google Chrome profiles with UPM using the file based management. We didn't have anyone syncing their data with their Google account, but ever since, it's been difficult to stay on top of the exclusions using file based UPM.  


    And for those more knowledgeable than I, do wildcards work for folders in UPM?  Specifically   if I wanted to exclude AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\*_*\Default\Cache    (where *_* is the randomly generated folder with the only common character is _ ). It does not appear using wildcards in this fashion is working.


    So what have you found to be working well with these newer versions of Chrome?

  2. Just curious at the best method for providing a hosting connection to a XenServer resource pool in Citrix Studio. The goal is that if one of the XenServer hosts were to fail, then Citrix Studio can still communicate with the pool with the next elected pool master. 


    Do I add each host in the pool individually as it's own hosting connection? Does a load balancer need to be created for the servers, and then add the LB IP as the hosting connection?


    Right now I've just added the IP of the first server in the pool, and it seems to work, but just looking at the recommended configuration.



  3. Found the culprit of the degraded performance, so I'll post here in case someone else runs into something similar.


    It turns out something that got installed on one of our vdisk images was causing constant reads from the PVS server. So what we saw was constant ~5MB/s reads on disk activity and ~1 Disk queue length on our volume that has the vdisk stores. There was no spikes in the reads or queue length, it was constant, even after mulitple hours of booting up. 


    Once we reverted back to an image about 10 versions prior, we saw a noticeable difference in the disk activity once the vdisks were loaded into RAM, as the Windows login screen showed up, the disk activity dropped like a stone at almost the exact same time. Of course we'd see some odd spikes in disk reads while things contiunued to be streamed/cached, but we haven't seen the same level of consistent disk reads since.

    We'll go over our change log to try and identify the cause. Unfortuantely it seems like whatever it was, happened a while back, as we had to go back quite a few versions back.

  4. Hello,


    We have two physical PVS servers with 48 threads and 128GB of RAM each, serving two vdisks to approximately 1200 VMs, these servers have been in place for a number of years. In the last 2-3 weeks, we've run across a situation where the performance of the streamed VMs is extremely poor (to the point of being almost unusable) right from booting up to using the VM in the Xendesktop session. We have verified with a Citrix engineer that we are not experiencing packet loss on the network, but rather there seems to be latency between the PVS server and the vdisk store (the vdisks are stored locally on each PVS server on a RAID5 array of SAS drives, which we've had used in this configuration for quite some time. Also while on the line with the Citrix engineer, we thought we had found the culprit in needing to add AV exclusions into our image(s), this did seem to resolve it initially, but after a week later or so, we are seeing similar things with the AV exclusions added in. During all our testing it does appear to be latency on the PVS servers on the storage system for the vdisks. For some context, some of the VMs have taken anywhere from 10 minutes -> an hour or more to boot each. 


    Environment Specs:
    PVS 2203 CU2 streaming to Win10 VMs on XenServer 8.2 with latest patches

    Cache mode: Cache to RAM with overflow to local HDD, RAM set at 512MB

    CVAD 2203 CU2


    PVS server - CPU is 5% usage, RAM is 8% usage, vdisk store is a bit more active


    My main question is:
    What kind of performance metrics are ok for the vdisk volume on a healthy environment?

    Right now, after having all VMs recently rebooted about 7 hours ago with only about 40 users connected, is the disk activity is usually a constant 5-7 MB/s, Disk Activity time is a constant 85-95%, and disk queue length hovers just under 1, however we have seen it go up around 1.5. Attached is a pic of Resource Monitor we see. The main problem is, I don't know or remember what a healthy streaming environment looks like.  The primary vdisk image that serves abut 1150 VMs is a merged base, so there are no deltas on top.



    And my second question is:

    From the VM image, does anyone have some ideas of what specifically to look for in Task Manager/Resource Monitor, etc to understand what might be throwing things off? I'm assuming look for anything that might be causing a lot of disk reads, but any other tricks of the trade?


    We have rolled back the image to a version where it was working well...but something still doesn't feel right in terms of performance, and when we did a small delta version on top of that rolled back version, then performance took a nose dive. Where the only change we made was update a couple web browsers, and installed a third party plugin for MS Word. 


    Any tips and hints is greatly appreciated. 


  5. Hello,


    We have about 50 classrooms, all with the same computers, and same displays. We are noticing that sometimes, the PCs are trying to use a screen resolution & refresh rate combination that the TVs do not support. This is likely happening after reboots of the PC.


    With PVS, is there any way to force a specific resolution and refresh combination, so we can go with something that we know is for sure supported and works well? We've tried baking in a resolution when creating/updating the image, as well as running a script when Windows boots up, but nothing seems consistent. If we don't use PVS, and just have a standalone PC that boots off the hard drive, then it sticks with the resolution and refresh rate that we want to use, and it's been solid.




  6. I've got a similar problem but using virtual desktops instead, so the impact is less, but seems to happen more frequently than aliu790. Out of 1000 unique connections, we may see about 5 different VMs per day where the VM will lose registration with the delivery controller. Upon trying to view the console in XenCenter, the VM is unresponsive. I have a feeling it might be related to CVAD 1912 CU1 VDA on the streamed image, as I don't recall seeing this particular problem before we applied the CU1 VDA. Upon once instance we noticed a quick CDViewer.exe error pop up just before the user lost connection, and the VM went unregistered.


    The other time we're seeing this, is when brokering a session upon a fresh login, some VMs are failing before a user even gets fully logged in. The session gets stuck, and it takes manually shutting down the VM they were trying to sign into.

  7. I have not spent much time troubleshooting it. And its actually been a "problem" for a couple years, but as its never been the source of any problems, it always fell to lower priority. I no longer have the 7.15 site, as it was retired, but its still happening on the 1912 site. The 7.15 site was running on Windows Server 2012 R2 and the 1912 site is running on Windows Server 2019, the two sites were even on different SQL servers.


    I do plan to open a ticket at some point, but it may be a bit tricky to diagnose since it seems completely random. Almost seems like these services are restarting on purpose. I have monitoring setup for the Citrix Services on the brokers, and when an alert does come in, the alert is "resolved/closed" within about 20 seconds or so.

  8. I have two environments that I'm noticing this on. XD 7.15 LTSR, and 1912 LTSR each with its own Desktop Director server.


    I'm seeing what seems like random alerts for Delivery Controller services, and as far as I can tell, are not impacting usability or causing any problems. Checking the event viewer of the delivery controller(s) in question, I cannot find anything that matches around the timestamp of the alert. Director will refresh itself, and the alerts will go away, and the Services will show "no alerts". Usually its just one alert, and could be any of them, but I have seem upwards of 3 at one time.


    Citrix Host Service



    Citrix Machine Creation Service



    Citrix Configuration Logging Service



    I'm not sure if this is truly anything to worry about, as I cannot see any problems, and everything seems to function normally.


  9. Still no update on my side. I looked at the event logs on some of the affected VMs, and there is no errors. However according to the VM logs, the VM is unaware of when the user actually disconnects from the session. It isn't until I intervene on an affected machine does it register the session as disconnected.


    We have about 500 Windows 7 machines, and about 25 Windows 10. Have only seen it happen on Windows 7. Could be due to the fact of only having a limited number of Win10 machines.


    Out of curiosity, we are using vGPUs for all of our VMs, is this happening to anyone NOT using vGPUs?

  10. I have a feeling this issue might be tied with Receiver 4.9 CU1. We recently went through upgrading all of our managed clients to 4.9 CU1 from a variety of other older versions. Since then, this is when we started to notice this trend, it just wasn't apparent, since we didn't upgrade them all at once, and we didn't suddenly see any real spikes in connection errors on Director.

  11. XenDesktop 7.15 CU1 - Pooled random desktop group

    Receiver 4.9 CU1

    Windows 7 VMs


    Running into an issue where some users will disconnect from their VM session either at the end of the day or when they go for lunch, and upon returning, sometimes they cannot reconnect back to their session. Desktop Director shows it as a Machine Failure, and upon looking at the details, it shows that the user's session state is still active. At this point only solution to get the user up and running is either have the user initiate a restart of their virtual desktop, or have the helpdesk log the user off, or send a restart command to that virtual machine.


    I haven't been able to replicate it unfortunately, and I haven't been able to determine a pattern to when or to who it happens to. Only consistency I've seen is that the users are disconnecting, but the VM still thinks the session state is active.


    Anyone seen anything similar or have any ideas?

  12. Having the same issue with XD 7.6 FP3. Found this thread http://discussions.citrix.com/topic/334784-known-issue-xd-7-password-lock-not-supported-this-is-kind-of-a-showstopper-dont-you-think/page-2


    On page 2, there is talk of including the registry entry into the base image if use PVS or MCS, as it needs to be there prior to when GPOs apply, or even if you were to apply it manually after the VM is booted. I'm going to try this and see if it helps since we happen to be updating our image anyway.

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