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horizon limit

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Posts posted by horizon limit

  1. Just a brief info : using a vm-copy command copies vm-metadata and the vdi the  will ask xapi to create a vbd between the dom0 and the vdi, that is whay in the Storage tab, you would be able to see something like "control domain on <hostname of the xenserver>" listed under the virtual machine  against the vdi.


    there are three methods to resolve this ;


    - identify the vbd between the vdi and the control domain and destroy it.

    - forget the vdi  in question and scan the SR again to the see the vdi again .  Make sure the sr-scan works  before forgetting the vdi.

    - reboot the xenserver. 


    HTH !.

  2. it will list all the vdis which do not have a vbd connection with them. A vbd is block device and a connector to the vm and the vdi, it wille xists even if the vm is shutdown.

    it will only list the vdi-uuid and would not delete them, you would need to delete them using xe vdi-destroy uuid=<>
    now the big question how can we judge if it is listing the correct vdi, simply run xe vbd-list vdi-uuid=<> and xe vdi-list uuid=<vdi-uuid>( this will give info about the vdi in xapi DB, but the main is the former command), if returns to the prompt in xe vbd-list then simply don;t think much, go ahead and delete it.

    hope this helps.

  3. cool.. this is lvmoiscsi as i was suspecting so it is thick provisioned. Now can you please run the this script as
    perl FindOrpahnVDI.pl <sr-uuid>. this will tell you what are the orphan vdi and can be deleted.
    Make sure it will list the HA disks as orphan as well. You can confirm by running xe vbd-list vdi-uuid=<> and if it returns to prompt, you can delete the vdi.


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