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Nishant Joshi

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Posts posted by Nishant Joshi

  1. Need to add multiple machines to Citrix Catalog using Powershell , How do I do it ?

    I know the command but how do I run for multiple machine using loop and get content from two files 

    I tried this way , but didn't worked - Its adding only the first one (looks like I am not doing right loop for two variables )

    The command I am doing is correct but need help  with PS script for adding multiple machines using loops. 




    $MachineName = Get-Content "c:\temp\MachineName.txt"

    $HostID =Get-Content "c:\temp\HostID.txt"

    foreach ($MachineName in $MachineName)


    foreach ($HostID in $HostID)


    New-BrokerMachine -MachineName $MachineName -HostedMachineId $HostID  -CatalogUid 9 -HypervisorConnectionUid 2




  2. Adding for future reference -     


    Citrix Desktop Studio – vdi appears as SID instead of machine name.



    1. Inside the Desktop Studio, click on the Desktop Studio node


    2. Then click on the Powershell tab

    3. On the Powershell tab at the bottom right click


    4. Inside the Powershell interface, Enter the following command:

    Update-BrokerNameCache -Machines


    5. If you receive an error, try running it from the actual Desktop Delivery Controller.

    6. All you have to do is go back to the “Assignments ” node then to the Desktop Group and you should see the machine names as domain name\computer name

    These steps worked for me, let me know if this procedure works for you.

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  3. Detailed Steps as follows 



    Step 1. Reboot PVS  (not required)
    Step 2. Delete AD accounts for both of the machines from PVS
    Step 3 Power off "SID" machines from XenCenter machines
    Step 4. Move machines to maintenance mode 
    Step 5. Delete machines from DDC console
    Step 6. Create AD accounts for both of the machines from PVS.
    Step 7 . On DDC > Machines >IMAGE NAME> Add machines 
    Step 8. Assignments > add desktop > catlog 
    Step 9. In catlog >IMAGE NAME> Add machines > Next> Finish 
    Step 10. Refresh  DDC console 
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