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Marco Hofmann

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Posts posted by Marco Hofmann

  1. I've always used the first two, and still use the first two. Plus, I added shellbridge to my setup script.


    Write-Verbose "Customization" -Verbose
    New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Citrix\Reconnect" -Force | New-ItemProperty -Name "FastReconnect" -PropertyType "DWord" -Value "0" -Force
    New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Citrix\Ica\GroupPolicy" -Force | New-ItemProperty -Name "EnforceUserPolicyEvaluationSuccess" -PropertyType "DWord" -Value "0" -Force
    New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Citrix\Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent" -Force | New-ItemProperty -Name "Shellbridge" -PropertyType "DWord" -Value "1" -Force


  2. Thanks for your reply, I understand, but how does that help me? I would need any form of reference, to know what I did wrong.

    I already use VSCode to write the template, with the official extension from Microsoft, which says my template is fine. Still, Citrix DaaS doesn't give me any feedback, why the template is not accepted.

    We don't find any documentation how to create or validate this machine profile. Therefore, we are unable to create a machine catalog.


    Source for the information: https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-daas/install-configure/machine-catalogs-create/create-machine-catalog-citrix-azure.html#create-a-machine-catalog-using-an-azure-resource-manager-image


    There is also a PowerShell command to verify a template, which doesn't work:




  3. Citrix CVAD 2203 CU2 was released: https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-virtual-apps-desktops/2203-ltsr/whats-new/cumulative-update-2/fixed-issues.html



    When you attempt to connect to a VDA running version 2203 on a multi-session OS, the logonui.exe process might become unresponsive with a black screen or get terminated. However, event logs might appear. [CVADHELP-20338]


    I am curious which and how many of the (3) keys we will need now. I haven't tested it myself yet.

  4. @npatel287 AFAIK that's not 100% correct. The last known good versions are 1912 CU3 and 2106. The issues started with 1912 CU4 and 2109.

    @Tobias Lehner AFAIK there is no RPM fix for 2203 CU1, as it's already included in the release. The fix was for 2203 CU0. But beware! CU1 has been re-released as version 2203.1100. Are you sure you are on the latest? On 2203.1100 you shouldn't need to swap DLL files, just add the required the registry key, as mentioned in the docs: https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-virtual-apps-desktops/2203-ltsr/whats-new/cumulative-update-1/fixed-issues.html#vda-for-multi-session-os

  5. I can confirm that the restart of "Citrix Desktop Service" brings the session back in Studio/Director, but users can't successfully reconnect.

    Please, everybody who can, create cases and provide CDF traces. This issue exists since 2109 and made it into LTRS. The last known good version was 1912 CU3, which we are still on for that reason, and it's a real issue for all of us. Slack, reddit, Citrix discussions, everybody is talking about it. We have to make that clear.

  6. I went from 4.7 -> 1808 -> 1811 without ever noticing this error. This is because is use the console differently.

    On 27.1.2019 at 0:55 AM, James Kindon said:

    Install the console locally on a machine with access to the .exe / icon path, and you should be OK - I'd log with Citrix 

    You don't have to install the console locally, the WEM Administration console works happily by launching it from an administrative UNC path, for example if oyu have the Console installed on your Delivery Controller:

    "\\delivery-controller-01\c$\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Administration Console\Norskale Administration Console.exe"

    This way you circumvent, that you have to search for the apps, that are installed on your VDA, as you can access them directly from the console itself. Makes my life sou much easier.

  7. This may be fixed with Storefront 3.11:

    When you select a configured Site during the setup of XenDesktop, a default store might be created in StoreFront that uses the default Authentication Service. If you remove this store, users of Citrix Receiver for Windows cannot add any other stores and the following error message might appear:

    "A protocol error occurred while communicating with the Authentication Service."





    Marco Hofmann


  8. Oh damn, I totally forgot about this forum post. 

    I also logged a support ticket for this problem. My support was a litte bit more helpful. I was shown how to enable the WEM Agent Host Debug Log. In there we found the corresponding error. 

    17:49:47 Warning -> LogonController.Processie4UinitChecks() : Starting ie4uinit Wait Loop for Domain\Marco.Hofmann : User Version ->  / Computer Version -> 11,0,9600,0

    17:51:57 Warning -> LogonController.Processie4UinitChecks() : Exiting ie4uinit Loop for Domain\Marco.Hofmann

    After that I also discovered the bypass setting and have no further problems. 


    Thank you so much for trying to help me, I should have thought of posting this into the topic earlier. 

    Marco Hofmann
    • Like 2
  9. Hello,

    currently I install a XenApp 7.12 Server OS deployment with Citrix WEM in place. I have the problem, that the WEM Agent in the user session only starts two minutes after the initial logon. This behavior is also visible through the logs. In the event viewer I have an entry like this:

    Starting Logon Processing for User : 

    UserName : DOMAIN\xentest
    Session ID : 4
    Protocol : 1

    with a timestamp of "17.01.2017 18:16:37"


    In the user profile there is the WEM Agent Log file, which starts "18:18:50"

    I have done several tests, but I can't get the agent to start right at the logon.


    What am I doing wrong? I have already the private fix from this topic in place:


  10. Hello,

    not exactly what you are asking, but I thin maybe Citrix Desktop Lock ist what you are searching for? Let me know if that helps you out!






    Oh an idea just came to my mind!! Maybe you search for this specific GPO?

    User -> Adm Templates -> System -> Custom User Interface = Path to SelfService.exe


    Marco Hofmann


  11. If you are not using UPM, there is no way afaik to sync or mirror files from \AppData\Local. I'm sorry. 

    There could be ways to use scripts to backup and restore files from \AppData\Local to the user home for example, but to be honest I wouldn't try that. 

    Is there a reason not to use UPM? After all it's free.

    Marco Hofmann
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