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Arun Kumar K R

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Posts posted by Arun Kumar K R

  1. Hi All,


    We could see the below Warning message on Machine Catalog for the MCS created VDI machines. 

    The Machine Catalog could not be loaded due to the following reason "There is a mismatch of Scope information on the machine creation related objects of the Machine Catalog".

    When we select Machine Catalog, we could see only "Delete / Test Machine Catalog", no other options available.

    This issue noticed with VDI alone, Servers deployed with MCS works fine.

    No event logs noticed, Test machine catalog works fine. We have verified UID of Machine Catalog too.

    Administrators has FULL access on the XD Site.


    When we create new Scope and link existing Administrators, all started working fine. 


    Is any one noticed this issue. 


  2. Hi All,


    We have configured oAuth using Authentication profile for Netscaler Gateway. Below are the queries which we have, can you please suggest.


    1. User logged in to Gateway successfully and able to launch application from domain joined machine. If other user logged into the Gateway URL from the same device, user authentication, app enumeration is fine but VDA launch failed.

    2. When user logoff from the Gateway page, it is redirecting to url/vpn/logout.html but when click on Logon button, it is not asking for authentication and directly populate application. this behavior is same even in private mode of browser.

    3. is it possible to provide SF login page post authenticating via oAuth in Gateway. like 1st page oAuth and populate SF page for LDAP authentication.



    NS firmware

    SF : 2203 LTSR CU3.

    Workspace : 2203, 1912, 2305


    All users, Servers and client devices are in same domain. 


    Can you please guide if this type environment supported by oAuth / SAML ?



  3. On 8/14/2021 at 1:28 AM, Spencer Weise1709157262 said:

    Here's how I tackled this, it exports to html and csv and converts dg uids to names:


    Add-PSSnapin citrix*
    $a = "<style>"
    $a = $a + "BODY{background-color: #f2944d;}"
    $a = $a + "TABLE{width: 100%;border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: #f58025;border-collapse: collapse;}"
    $a = $a + "TH{font-family: Arial;font-size: .9em;text-align: left;border-width: 1px;padding-top: 4px;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-left: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: #f58025;background-color: White;color: Black;}"
    $a = $a + "TD{font-family: Arial;font-size: .7em;border-width: 1px;padding: 2px 5px 2px 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: #f58025;background-color: #f4ddb6}"
    $a = $a + "</style>"
    $dgs = Get-BrokerDesktopGroup | select Name,Uid
    $apps = Get-BrokerApplication -MaxRecordCount 500 | select PublishedName,Description,Enabled,@{Name='Assigned Users';Expression={$_.AssociatedUserNames -join '; '}},@{Name='Delivery Groups';Expression={@(foreach($num in $_.AssociatedDesktopGroupUids){($dgs | where Uid -eq $num).Name}) -join '; '}},commandlineexecutable,commandlinearguments | Sort PublishedName
    $apps | ConvertTo-Html -head $a | Out-File .\apps.htm
    $apps | Export-CSV -Path '.\apps.csv' -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8


    Hi Spencer,


    thank you for this script, can you help to add one more option users from delivery group too please.

  4. Team,


    We have built new CVAD 7 2203 LTSR on Windows 2019 servers.


    1. Storefront name under launched via on Studio console is not visible

                                   Users are able to access the published application, when we checked "Launched via" on Studio console for the user session, unable to view Storefront server name.

    But we are able to see Storefront IP address for "Launched via IP". 


    2. Storefront login page has "Home" tab, earlier versions shows as "Favorites". Is there any option to change "Home" to "Favorites".


    Please suggest me on both the queries.



  5. Hi All,


    Environment Details :

    SF: 3.15 

    DDC : 7.15

    ZDC : Xenapp 6.5

    Forest : Users are in 1st Forest and Xenapp Servers are in 2nd Forest and Two way trust enabled.




    Domain Local / Global groups are created in 1st Forest and added to Published application in both Xenapp 6.5 and 7.15. When user login to SF URL, applications from 7.x are visible irrespective of type of AD groups.

    Xenapp 6.5 applications which are pointing to Domain Local groups are not enumerating but applications linked to Global group are visible.  

    If i run Search by users on Appcenter console i can see applications from both Domain Local and Global groups. 


    Can you please suggest here. 


  6. Hi All,


    We have CVAD 1912 LTSR CU2 on-premises environment. Customer came up with request to use FIDO2 for authentication.

    As per below article "FIDO2 support in the virtual session was recently released in Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2009 and the corresponding Citrix Workspace App for Windows 2009.5.

    This version was released on Sep 2020. 




    Would like to know if FIDO2 supported with CVAD 1912 LTSR CU2 (released on Nov 2020). If this version of LTSR is not supported, please let us know CU3 or CU4 supports this functionality. 


  7. Hi All,


    Need suggestion.

    We have noticed on VMware end, the Storage Usage for each VM is getting increased regularly. On analyzing VMName_temporaryStorage.vmdk file size getting increased on every reboot. 

    MCSWCDisk is getting freedup on reboot as expected.


    DDC : 1912

    VDA : 1912 CU2

    OS : Windows 2012

    RAM : 16GB

    CPU : 2

    HDD : 280GB (thin)

    Provisioned Method : MCS

    MCSWCDisk : 280 GB (thin)


    We have rebuild a machine to test but same behavior noticed. 

    Could you please guide me if any one noticed this behavior. 


    Also, once the Storage Usage for VM shows one value it cant reduce. is it correct ? example: Storage usage shows as 100GB on VM console for a VM, this value cannot reduced though the usage on the VM is less.   

  8. Hi All,


    We have internet facing URL via F5 with 2 factor authentication, post successful authentication the URL redirects to Store URL with the error message "The POST form doesn’t contain all necessary fields". If we click on OK, prompt for credentials again on SF page and works fine on application enumeration/accessibility.


    Can you please guide me hoe to avoid "The POST form doesn’t contain all necessary fields" error and goes directly to SF. 


  9. Hi All,


    Master/Golden image is running on Windows 2012 / Windows 2016 servers, VDA version 7.15 LTSR CU5 and Static IP assigned to it. We have deployed clone machines using this Master image. Servers were working fine from past 2years and DHCP has 30% free IP's available in the same VLAN. Suddenly from past 1 month Clone servers started getting dual IP's - 1 IP same as Master (Master and Clones get same IP address) and other one is APIPA IP on updating Machine Catalogs, both clone and Master has different MAC addresses. I logged into clone machine using local admin and noticed the NIC settings are same as Master (Static IP), if i change the NIC setting to Dynamic, clone server started working normally until it is rebooted. The only changes made on the Master server was installing MS security Patches. It is not related to OS specific as the same issue noticed on both Windows 2012 and 2016, not related to DHCP as issue noticed in multiple DHCP VLAN's. 


    1. Is there any article / recommendation like Master server should have DHCP alone enabled IP.

    2. Is there any Microsoft patch which links to this issue.

    3. We tried to remove the NIC card from clone machine and add new NIC from same DHCP but the same issue.

    4. Created new Master image (with Static IP) and deployed new Clone servers, same issue. 


    Anyone please guide me on this please.

  10. Hi All,


    We have an existing MCS Machine Catalog with pooled Server OS deployment. In hosting connection OS storage is pointing to SAN and Temporary Storage is pointing to Local ESX host disk.  

    1. As far as i understood, 16MB HDD of clone machine will be deployed in ESX Local storage.. is it correct.

    2. If the ESX Local storage is not available, what is the impact to Clone servers. 

    3. Is it possible to change this Temporary Storage location to SAN (where the OS disk located) with out recreating the Machine Catalog. 

    4. Temporary storage which is pointing to ESX Local HDD shows as Unavailable, and got a confirmation from VMware team there is no files available in local ESX storage. In this case, if the 16MB disk is pointing to same SAN location where OS disk located, is it OK to point Temporary Storage location under hosting connection to point to SAN. Will there be any impact for this action and do i need to redeploy Machine Catalog.


    Please help. 

  11. Hi All,


    There is an requirement as below and request your guidance if this can be achieved. 


    We have a Netscaler 13.0.67 which has LDAP and Azure MFA (for 2nd factor Radius) for external connecting users. On password expiry, users can change the password without any issues (at this step OTP will not generate). 

    But, i would like to know if there is any way to generate OTP to change the password too. If yes, could you please provide the steps to configure the same. 


    Thank you in advance. 

  12. We have Netscaler VPX 13.0.67 with multi domain infra servers in the backend. We have same admin accounts (Admin1, Admin2 etc) in each domain (domain 1, domain2) which are in different forest. Currently we are able to login with Admin accounts from doamin1. We need help on below scenarios.


    1. How to make admins to login to Netscaler console from Domain2.

    2. If the admins login to Netscaler console, how can we check which domain account authenticated. 


  13. Hi All,


    We have upgraded VPX firmware to version and post upgrade the list of LDAP and RADIUS policies added in Primary Authentication automatically added to Secondary Authentication. 

    To make it clear, if we add one LDAP policy in Primary Authentication, it'll automatically visible in Secondary Authentication and we cannot unbind it from Secondary Authentication. 

    Though there is no end user impact noticed.

    Could you please help me to understand is it common behavior in new version.   

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