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Jacob Roth

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Posts posted by Jacob Roth

  1. I am installing Linux VDA 2311 on Red Hat 9.2. Apparent ctxjproxy is not able to connect to the SQLite database.

    Ive tried clearing/reinstalling the Linux VDA software with no change in SQLite connectivity.


    Are there known problems with this configuration?


    Error Details


    When starting ctxvda I receive the following systemctl status


     ctxjproxy.service - Citrix Java Proxy Service
         Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ctxjproxy.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
         Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2024-02-27 16:27:47 PST; 7s ago
       Duration: 677ms
        Process: 11902 ExecStart=/opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxjproxy (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
       Main PID: 11902 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
            CPU: 2.273s
    Feb 27 16:27:46 rsilws05 systemd[1]: Started Citrix Java Proxy Service.
    Feb 27 16:27:47 rsilws05 systemd[1]: ctxjproxy.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    Feb 27 16:27:47 rsilws05 systemd[1]: ctxjproxy.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Feb 27 16:27:47 rsilws05 systemd[1]: ctxjproxy.service: Consumed 2.273s CPU time.

    and here are the logs from /var/log/xdl/jproxy.log


    2024-02-28 00:26:50.250 [INFO ] [1] - Java version "11.0.22". OpenJDK Runtime Environment. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.22+7-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)
    2024-02-28 00:26:50.253 [INFO ] [1] - 7.5,
    2024-02-28 00:26:50.260 [INFO ] [1] - SQLITE3
    2024-02-28 00:26:50.334 [ERROR] [1] - SQLitePreferences.GetKeyID: Failed to get KeyID. Error: Error opening connection
    2024-02-28 00:26:50.334 [ERROR] [1] - LOCAL registry could not be initialized.
    2024-02-28 00:27:47.243 [INFO ] [1] - Java version "11.0.22". OpenJDK Runtime Environment. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.22+7-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)
    2024-02-28 00:27:47.246 [INFO ] [1] - 7.5,
    2024-02-28 00:27:47.253 [INFO ] [1] - SQLITE3
    2024-02-28 00:27:47.323 [ERROR] [1] - SQLitePreferences.GetKeyID: Failed to get KeyID. Error: Error opening connection
    2024-02-28 00:27:47.324 [ERROR] [1] - LOCAL registry could not be initialized.


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