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Florent amplitude

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Posts posted by Florent amplitude

  1. Hello,

    I deleted the file, it recreated an error.log file,

    I have this line which repeats itself continuously


    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 182 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 184 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 184 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 184 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 184 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 162 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 140 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 142 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 138 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 149 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 141 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 138 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 141 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 145 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 149 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 138 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 141 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 147 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:45 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 149 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:50 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 173 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:50 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 178 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:50 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 129 wsa buffer
    [Mon Mar 06 08:45:50 2023] [notice] async engine: Not enough preallocated wsa buffer, allocate 171 wsa buffer


  2. Hello,

    I would like to know if it is normal to have a log file

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\XTE\logs error.log


    from 4giga on universal print server?


    If not how to reduce the file size?



  3. Hello,

    Citrix 2203 and WEM 2203

    Update Actions not working.

    - I created a shortcut of "test3333" I closed the session and the link is not created.

    - I have shortcuts that have existed for a long time that point to files that no longer exist, whereas in the WEM console these shortcuts do point to the correct file.


    I don't understand ?

    it's like taking an old cache ?

    Which option should I check in the WEM console?

    How can I be sure that my WEM cache is updated?



  4. I have this error that comes up randomly on my VDAs


    Print Spooler failed to load a plug-in module C:\Windows\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64\3\Cpupdui.dll

    After I redid the tests, I launched 4 windows test pages, the 1st did not come out, the 2nd is printed, the 3rd is printed, the 4th did not come out ?

  5. Hello,

    Citrix 2203Cu1 and WEM 2203


    On my VDA I have this error in the event manager that keeps coming back


    Nom du journal :WEM Agent Service
    Source :       WEM Agent Service
    Date :         16/11/2022 16:40:38
    ID de l’événement :0
    Catégorie de la tâche :Aucun
    Niveau :       Erreur
    Mots clés :    Classique
    Utilisateur :  N/A
    Ordinateur :   SRV-CTX-05
    Description :
    System.IO.FileLoadException: Erreur non spécifiée
    « * » viole la contrainte pattern de « ([0-9]{1,5}.){3}[0-9]{1,5} ».
       à Microsoft.Security.ApplicationId.PolicyManagement.PolicyEngine.AppIdPolicyHandlerClass.SetPolicy(String bstrLdapPath, String bstrXmlPolicy)
       à Microsoft.Security.ApplicationId.PolicyManagement.PolicyManager.SetLocalPolicy(AppLockerPolicy policy)
       à Norskale.Common.Data.Agent.Proxy.AgentAppLockerPolicyProcessor.ProcessEntitySetting(IList`1 rules, String assignedUserId, PrivilegedRegistryAction action, IList`1 settings)
    XML de l’événement :
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="WEM Agent Service" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">0</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2022-11-16T15:40:38.922885000Z" />
        <Channel>WEM Agent Service</Channel>
        <Security />
        <Data>System.IO.FileLoadException: Erreur non spécifiée
    « * » viole la contrainte pattern de « ([0-9]{1,5}.){3}[0-9]{1,5} ».
       à Microsoft.Security.ApplicationId.PolicyManagement.PolicyEngine.AppIdPolicyHandlerClass.SetPolicy(String bstrLdapPath, String bstrXmlPolicy)
       à Microsoft.Security.ApplicationId.PolicyManagement.PolicyManager.SetLocalPolicy(AppLockerPolicy policy)
       à Norskale.Common.Data.Agent.Proxy.AgentAppLockerPolicyProcessor.ProcessEntitySetting(IList`1 rules, String assignedUserId, PrivilegedRegistryAction action, IList`1 settings)</Data>


    What is this error due to?





  6. Hello,

    Windows 2016/citrix 2203cu1

    We have moved from version 1912Cu1 to 2203CU1 and since then we have printing problems.


    From word/excel/ Acrobat reader, we will launch printing either:

    - we have an error message.

    - No message (as if the print was out) but nothing was edited.

    - We click on print, it does not print, we click a 2 nd time, it prints, we click a 3 rd time, it no longer prints.


    Problem encountered from an ADMIN session in RDP,

    Test reproduced even using the "windows test page" function from the VDA


    We use the universal CITRIX drivers + the universal CITRIX print server.


    I'm a taker for help ? because I'm blocked ?



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